Friday, January 1, 2016

The flight from hell...

I've already learned my first important lesson of the new year. Never post about your child being a good traveler on any form of social media. You will ultimately jinx yourself. 

Tonight, Will barfed twice at the gate while boarding and proceeded to have a hysterical temper tantrum for our entire flight. Good times. Luckily, we both survived. 😩😩😩

In fairness to him, it was a bit of a perfect storm. I had to wake him up early from his afternoon nap to leave for the airport, he hates sitting still, and I'm pretty sure he's getting sick. Joy. 😳😳😳

Bonus lesson: never feed your toddler anything new in any airport, particularly right before boarding. This new cuisine will ultimately be projectile vomited in front of everyone at the gate as you prepare to board. Worst. Moment. Ever. On a side note, yogurt-covered raisins are the food from hell. 😤😤😤

On yet another note, I may want to rethink any future plans of solo flight travel with either of my children the next few years. I may have learned my lesson this time around in a BIG way. 😱😱😱

On a positive note, I couldn't be more grateful to be home with my boys in my own bed, ready to collapse. 🛌🛌🛌

Happy 2016, WW!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

#thistooshallpass #flightfromhell

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