Sunday, January 3, 2016

Mama advice needed!

It's 2016. I'm already 19 weeks pregnant. The reality of having 2 kids under 2 (at least for a brief time) is starting to hit me.

For all of you Mamas of 2 or more out there, what do you miss or wish you had done with only one child that is now all that much harder with more children? I'm determined to make the most of the rest of the time we have as a family of 3 and enjoy the journey in the process!

Here is my short list of what I can easily do now that will be MUCH harder with 2 kids (so I hear and can imagine):

1. Getting alone time.
2. Dividing and conquering parenting -- one parent watches child while other gets something else done.
3. Traveling to or just attending regular workout classes.
4. Still getting away with driving my Ford Focus. Yes, we are quickly planning our inevitable upgrade to an SUV-type vehicle.
5. The ease of finding a sitter, sometimes at the last minute.
6. Fully getting to enjoy single child's afternoon nap time while home.
7. Flying solo with one child on a plane -- or just traveling in general.
8. Child easily getting your full, undivided attention.
9. Not feeling like I'm neglecting my husband or dog.
10. Did I mention alone time?

Would love to hear your thoughts and bits of wisdom, Mamas!! 💞💞💞

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