Friday, January 8, 2016

People say crazy things!

It's amazing what people have the nerve to say to pregnant women. It's like all common sense, decency, and filters fly out the window, and you're left with verbal vomit and/or some form of lunacy.

Consider several statements made to me just TODAY regarding either my pregnancy or having a second boy:

1. "Are you sure you're pregnant?" (Really?!! We're almost halfway through this round.)
2. "Shouldn't you be showing by now?" - my eye doctor (I was wearing a hoodie)
3. "Is everything OK with the baby? You look small."
4. "You're really almost 20 weeks?!!"
5. "You better stop now. 2 boys is more than enough. Ugh."
6. "Your house will be destroyed."
7. "Don't you wish you were having a girl?!!"
8. "Two boys? You're in for it."
9. "You're in for some pretty stressful years ahead." (No. REALLY?!! #captainobvious)

These were all said TODAY. It's not even a full moon out there.

Rather than internalize any of these statements, I brush them off and laugh. I have to! People are "cray cray" (as our students would say) and have no sense of tact or respect. It truly amazes me.

My favorite fun quote of the day comes from my awesome MIL:
"You have no idea how much food two teenage boys consume." Word.

In other news, my vision has somehow improved over the last year. 

I am also a wee bit obsessed with Pure Barre. See below.

And I continue to smile about my new boy. He continues to make his presence known. A personality already. Oh boy. πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ˜³πŸ˜³

#raisingboys #peoplesaythedarndestthings 

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