Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Quite a Monday!

This was not the day I expected to have. Amidst a crazy busy day at work, I soon realized I had not been able to really urinate....since yesterday. This is quite strange, since my water bottle is attached to me, and I stay hydrated like no one can. I felt increasing discomfort and a severe urge to pee but never could! 😑😑😑

Following a brief convo with my OB's nurse on the phone, I decided to head to the ER. Good news: no UTI, and a catheter brought immediate relief. Bad news: they're not sure what is causing my extreme IπŸ˜‰urine retention, specifically how much of it the baby is causing. They suspect my tilted uterus is applying a lot of pressure to my bladder, causing it to tense up, spasm, and not release any fluids. These fun spasms will continue for the next 24 hours, probably. Good times. 😳😳😳

I've named my catheter Cathy (because it's more fun that way!), and she will be with me until Wednesday morning. No work or real activity for me tomorrow. I will follow up with my OB on Wednesday morning, where she will hopefully remove the catheter and monitor me to ensure I can pee on my own. If not, back to the ER I go for catheter round 2. 😩😩😩 

We really take the ease of being able to empty our bladders naturally -- and easily -- for granted. I learned that the hard way today. #itsthelittlethings

I did have a wonderful ER experience, though, and highly recommend the staff of Shady Grove Adventist Emergency Center in Germantown. They took great care of me -- and baby! πŸ€’πŸ€’πŸ€’

So, this equation pretty much sums up my day:

A night in the ER + a host of gross baby-related bladder issues + a catheter = a true case of the Mondays. πŸ€•πŸ€•πŸ€•

Somehow, I think baby #2 is getting a kick (literally) out of all this too. Evil child. 😈😈😈

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