Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Big C

Hearing bad news about a family member is never fun, especially when it involves the big C word.

I've grown up with cancer surrounding me. Three out of four of my grandparents died of the disease. My uncle did as well. A close neighbor did. My mom fought the battle of her life and beat both ovarian and breast cancer over a decade ago. My aunt (like a second mom to me) lost her battle to cancer almost six years ago. And now yet another close family member has been diagnosed.

As we just found out the news today, I don't feel comfortable sharing more about who I'm talking about until the entire extended family knows. The good news is that this loved one has a 70% chance of survival with radiation and is one of the toughest (and most stubborn) people I know. This person will make it through and beat this evil disease; that I have no doubt. This person is a warrior and a true fighter.

I hate cancer. I'm beyond done with it. It impacts all of us in some way or another. It tests us. It destroys far too many lives. It truly is evil.

And yet so many beat it. They survive and go on to continue leading happy, fulfilling, and vibrant lives. Cancer may be an unwelcome -- and often grave -- diagnosis, but it is not necessarily a death sentence.

I've seen some of the best of humanity in loved ones fighting this disease. They remind me of how precious and fragile life is. They remind me to appreciate every day. And above all, they remind me to live with no regrets, find joy in every day, and hug those you love just a little tighter.

I just hope and pray that my newest loved one with the disease doesn't stop fighting and knows just how much he/she is loved. 

Remember -- everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. 

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