Sunday, November 1, 2015

Monkeying around!

What an awesome Halloween weekend! So much to be grateful for and happy about. I feel another list coming!

1. My hubby having the confidence and sense of humor to wear the ridiculous banana costume I got him. What fun we LaBancas all had "monkeying" around!

2. Seeing Will with his toddler friends. They really are peas in a pod! It was especially cute seeing Will and Andrew entertain the trick or treaters at our door by actually handing them candy, filling and emptying the candy bowls over and over again, and then throwing all the candy down the outside stairs. #whatfun #toddlerlife

3. Rediscovering my love of afternoon naps. I think "sleep when the baby sleeps" also applies when you're pregnant with a toddler. #sleepwhileyoucan #2under2 #ohboy

4. Will is now mimicking everything we say and do, which is particularly entertaining when it involves beatboxing and ridiculous dancing!!

5. Going back to a Pure Barre class for the first time since being pregnant. I've missed it! #backtothebarre

6. Greg's homemade shrimp risotto. #pregnancycraving #delicious

7. I'm in bed before 9 pm. #mommywin

BONUS: I should also mention that Will adjusted beautifully to daylight savings time, a small miracle aided by his exhausting Halloween festivities and going to bed later than usual. #illtakeit

Happy November, warrior women!!

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