Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sunday Funday!

Well, my mom is still in the hospital and has to have a heart catheter tomorrow. They did more tests and a heart ultrasound today, but nothing was conclusive. She and my dad were supposed to arrive here Tuesday night. We are just hoping and praying they will be able to come up later in the week, God-willing! Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Still a lot to be grateful for today, though, thankfully!

Day 22 list:

1. Lazy Sunday mornings enjoying time with my boys (and Ally this AM)! Lots of playtime and laughs had by all.

2. I felt myself getting a bit sick, so Greg let me take a late morning nap for 2.5 hours. #heaven

3. Getting quality Dexter the dog time on a nice long afternoon neighborhood walk.

4. Having a lot of fun with our family Christmas photo shoot with my dear friend and very talented photographer, Bruna. She is incredible! I highly recommend Bruna Photography and am happy to pass along more info. if you are interested. 😀😀😀

5. Even though Greg had to stay back (He also is not feeling well), Will and I had a blast at Jay, Amanda, and Andrew's house for dinner, brewing, and playtime. It is always so adorable to see the boys together!

6. Being in bed before 10 pm. When does this ever happen?!!

7. I may have a good idea of the new baby's gender tomorrow! Eeeeek!!

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