Friday, November 13, 2015

Prayers for Paris...

Tonight, I am truly at a loss for words. My heart breaks and aches for those who perished in the senseless terrorist acts in Paris. I am angry. I feel such a sense of despair and hopelessness. What is this world coming to? And why on Earth am I bringing yet another child into it?

I do not know the answers to these questions. I do not know how our world go to be so sick and twisted or if things will ever get better.

But I refuse to give up all hope. As an educator and now a mother, I want my children to grow up in a better, safer, and kinder world. Call me naive, but perhaps their generation will be the one who turns things around. Or maybe it will be ours.

Be the model. Model the Golden Rule. Model kindness. Model integrity. Model respect. And most importantly, model tolerance and a willing to open your hearts and learn from those around you, even those who may be your polar opposite. 

Don't stop fighting the good fight. I remain an eternal optimistic and truly believe everyone is capable of good. They are. Some just need a bit more guidance and positive reinforcement to get there. 

Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow. Always. 

And tell your loved ones just how much you love them. Squeeze them a bit tighter -- and longer -- today.

#hopematters #prayersforparis 

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