Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Thank you, veterans!

The insanity of the week continues! My day started with a 6 am trail run and didn't end until 8 pm at school due to parent conferences. Ack! Exhaustion is my new BFF.

But alas, the gratitude continues. Here's Day 11's list:

1. Switching up my routine a bit to run trails with 3 work buddies. I was a lot slower than them but got to take the time to enjoy the beautiful scenery, stare down some deer, and wake up running with the sunrise. #socool

2. Greg finally seeing a doctor and being put on antibiotics for his sinus infection. He's already starting to feel better too! Gotta love it when men actually decide to go to their doctor's. #gofigure

3. Greg going the extra mile with holding down the fort at home and taking care of Will today while I had to be at school. Thank goodness he had today off!

4. Tortaco in Gaithersburg. If you're local and like Chipotle, it's the best. #trustme

5. Getting to hear about some awesome progress students are making at today's parent conferences.

6. My awesome colleague Lindsey. We have a lot in common right now, and she is always a ray of sunshine to my day! I really enjoyed having the chance to sit next to her while greeting families tonight. #ittakesavillage

7. A random father who thanked me profusely for always greeting and welcoming cars coming to school in the AM so positively. That felt so good to hear!

*** Most importantly, I feel enormous gratitude to our veterans, near and far, who are willing to sacrifice everything to ensure we can truly be "the land of the free and the home of the brace." We salute and cannot than you enough, today and every day. 

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