Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunday barf!

Events like the tragedy in Paris really make you stop and consider what is truly important, what really matters.

I am beyond blessed in so many aspects of life. This weekend certainly reminded me of many of these reasons:

1. My in-laws. They visited for the weekend and are always a joy to have around. They have been happily married for over 36 years and are the perfect example of a couple still very much in love. I admire and respect them tremendously.

2. Having the chance to discuss what happened on Friday with my Saturday AM students. It was refreshing to talk to teens who truly care about our world and current events.

3. My hubby. He is at work right now trying to figure out how to lead his team through this mess and ensure our country is safe. He refused to leave until Will was in bed -- he is always a husband and father first.

4. Getting to enjoy a wonderful date night in DC last night thanks to my in-laws baby-sitting. They are always so generous with their time and resources!

5. Having a chance to go for long walks with just Greg and the dog these past two days. Can't say we missed pushing the stroller either! ;)

6. Checking out a new brewery (for us) in Mt. Airy. I had a blast, even not being able to drink, which speaks highly to the venue, ambiance, and, of course, cheese selection available. :)

7. Greg completely cleaning up Will's car seat after he barfed on it three times on the way home from the brewery. I will spare you from posting that pic!

Here's to a wonderful weekend ahead full of gratitude, Warrior Women! 

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