Monday, November 23, 2015


It may be Monday, but there is already SO much to be grateful for today!

1. Having found no blockages or abnormalities in her heart, my Mom was finally discharged from the hospital tonight. She is now home resting comfortably in bed, thankfully. She is still heavily sedated and has a board attached to her right arm, as it is very weak after all the injections of the past 48+ hours. To say I'm a bit nervous about she and my Dad driving 17+ hours up here beginning tomorrow morning would be an enormous understatement. Sigh....

2. First trimester blood tests results came back, and they are perfect! We are at the lowest risk for everything, thank God. The neural tube measurements were normal too. Still too early to determine gender, though! Booooo!!!

3. Treating myself to some Mickey D's for lunch after my appointment. And call me disgusting, but it tasted damn food. Sometimes, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And when one is pregnant, well, that's another story entirely. Step away from my fast food, or suffer severe bodily injury... 😜😉😄

4. Today's after school staff meeting was cancelled. And yes, the world may now just end...😜😜😜

5. AMAZON. What the hell did we ever do without Prime 2 day shipping?!!!!

6. Will being a TOTAL sweetheart and charmer tonight. He's started liking and preferring me again, which naturally annoys Greg. Buwahahahaha...😉😉😉

7. Ending the day with a long, awesome girly chat with one of my oldest and dearest friends, Mary. Motherhood has only brought us closer, and I am forever grateful for that. 💞💞💞💞

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