Monday, November 30, 2015

Oh, Monday!!

What a Monday!! 

I am ready to drop but not before writing my last daily gratitude list for November!

1. Finally being able to work out again at Orange Theory. It has only been 3 weeks but seemed like a century for this cardio addict! I took it slowly at the 5 am class and modified as needed. What a great feeling to be back!

2. Puking 4 different times this morning and still smiling. Just another good sign that all is well with the baby. After all we went through having Will, I will not take a day of my pregnancy for granted. It is waaaay too much of a blessing!!

3. Baking cookies for my colleagues and Greg's coworkers. I clearly need to make more next time! They went in record time.

4. Will insisting on walking outside, despite it being disgusting and raining tonight. Like his parents, he finds solace and peace in the great outdoors. I love it.

5. Greg being able to stay home with Will tomorrow, since the daycare is closed for teacher in-service. Will's friend Andrew will also be joining them, so they are bound to have a blast!

6. Realizing spring break is a bit earlier this year, so it will be early enough in my pregnancy to fly! Woo! I booked a flight to FL for Will and me to visit my parents for 5 days Easter week. Yay for sunny FL!

7. Will is OBSESSED with naming and sorting all animals, especially farm animals. He has mastered their noises and can even name them in different places. It's so fascinating seeing the connections his brain is making ... and so quickly! #babygenius #ha

Thanks for being such a wonderful and memorable month, November!

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