Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Be grateful!

I've hit a new level of exhaustion, but alas, this too shall pass. 

You know it's bad when colleagues and parents comment on how exhausted you look. This, despite getting 8 hours of sleep last night. Yes, pregnancy with a toddler is a WHOLE new level of tired.

But still so much to celebrate and be grateful for today, thankfully!

Day 24 list:

1. After a solid night's sleep, my Mom felt well enough to begin making the long drive up to MD with my Dad. They are staying over tonight in NC and in very good spirits. They have about 8 hours of driving left tomorrow, traffic permitting! I really am excited to see them.

2. Asking every teacher today what they are grateful for. Sharing this in a small group is valuable and reminds us just how blessed we are. Let us never take for granted the basic necessities of life we enjoy, like a roof over our heads and food on our table. Too many go without every single day...

3. Deciding to "adopt" two more girls in need in our community and play "Santa" for them. I love shopping, especially when it's for a child who will truly use and appreciate the items!

4. My husband, whose life's work is to help keep our country safe from all the evils of the world. He is still hard at work now, making for long nights for Will and I, but I am beyond proud of him and all of the amazing work he does for us all. 

5. Recognizing the importance of self-care. I enjoyed lunch actually sitting down with colleagues today, got a massage after work, and loved my Pho chicken noodle soup for dinner.

6. Turning a traffic jam into something positive by talking on the phone with an old, dear friend of mine, Kate. She became a Mommy this year, also to a sweet baby boy.

7. Being proud of myself for actually listening to my doctor and avoiding intense cardio. I'm allowed to reintroduce it on Monday -- let the countdown begin! 

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