Monday, November 9, 2015

Oh, Monday!

What a day! Between my normal day job and my side consulting gig, I was on the clock for over 13 hours straight. I am beyond ready to pass out. 

But first, today's gratitude list (day 9):

1. First trimester puking. A bizarre thing to be grateful for, I know, but it hasn't been as nearly as bad as with Will and is oddly reassuring. I see it as a reminder that everything is all right with our new little one so far!

2. Being able to hold down food and have an appetite again this afternoon. It's the little things!

3. Helping put my principal in a good, feisty mood. I like to think I help balance and calm him down. Proof: he volunteered to lead a White Elephant holiday gift exchange. He normally hates these kinds of things! #stillinshock

4. Recognizing a hard working -- though unpopular -- staff member. She works her butt off and deserves to be thanked for it as much as anyone!

5. Receiving the Boy Scout fundraiser popcorn I purchased from a colleague just in time for my appetite returning. #delicious #imayhavealreadydevouredmostofthebag

6. Spending less than $150 on a big Target run and actually sticking to a list. This is big for me!

7. The soothing, eery patter of rain on our windows right now. There's something very relaxing and sleep-inductive about it. Zzzzzzz.....

Hope you didn't have a total case of the Mondays, Warrior Women!! #findjoyeveryday 

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