Sunday, December 13, 2015

Weekend gratitude!

What a weekend! So much to be happy about and grateful for, so I think a proper gratitude list is in order. Here goes nothing...

On this 13th day of December, I give you 13 things I am most grateful for over this past weekend:

1. New red sparkly nails and toes for Christmas. #itsthelittlethings

2. Dexter still smelling so fresh and so clean after his grooming yesterday. 

3. An awesome holiday open house yesterday. 

4. Fun times at a friend's holiday brunch this afternoon.

5. Will holding it together well during both events. #hallelujah

6. 3 days in a row of Pure Barre. #addicted

7. CRAZY warm, beautiful weather! 72 degrees on December 13?!!! I'll take it!!

8. Greg finally starting to feel a bit better. Thank you, sleep and antibiotics.

9. Will being exhausted and sleeping until after 9:00 am this morning. #wearelucky #besttoddlerever

10. A friend's son seems to be OK after biting into an ornament yesterday and the family spending the day at urgent care and then Children's. Thinking of you, Becca!!

11. Will's bright eyes and keen ability to observe and take in so much of the world around him. He is SO like Greg in so many ways, including his passion and love for pasta. See accompanying photo. #trueitalianmen 😜

12. Feeling surprisingly on top of my game for this time of the year, which is the polar opposite from last year. I'm just trying to savor this now, as I know next Christmas with a toddler and newborn will be a whole different ballgame. Ahhhh!!!! 😳😳😳

13. Friends who you may not see for a while but with whom you can just pick right up from where you left. I'm grateful to have seen so many of these treasured people this weekend! 💞💞💞💞💞💞

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