Monday, December 14, 2015

18 months?!!!

It's hard to believe that Greg and I have been parents for exactly 1.5 years today. And we survived relatively unscathed. That's a win in my book.

On this 14th day of Christmas/December, I offer you a mixed bag of things that either annoyed, pleased, or made me feel grateful today. I'll let you decide which is which.

1. The fruit fly infestation in our house as a result of having the back door open on Saturday, since it was 70 freakin' degrees. All of these flies must die painful deaths immediately. They enrage me.

2. Starting my day with flowers and a beautiful thank you card from a colleague.

3. Toddler temper tantrums. Tonight, Will had the WORST one ever. 😡😡😡

4. Greg getting home before 5:30.

5. Sneaking in an awesome OT workout at night thanks to my dear hubby.

6. Continuing to get Christmas cards from our friends around the world.

7. Tiny Prints hasn't even shipped our cards to us yet. #christmasfail

8. Bringing in a ton of leftover veggies and hummus to work and having healthy snacks to munch on all day.

9. Tortellini. Baby wants this constantly. Mmmmm.

10. This year's White House ornament from Greg.

11. When Will tries to say "fish," it sounds like "s***." 😂😂😂

12. The past 18 months with Will = best and happiest times of our lives so far. We can't wait to see what the future holds. 😍😍😍😍

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