Saturday, December 5, 2015


Even though my foot still hates me, I have a plan in place to ease its pain and suffering. Thank goodness.

Today was a full and joyous day, full of plenty of time and laughs with my boys. I am grateful.

So, on this 5th day of December, here is a proper gratitude list:

1. My boys. They complete me.

2. Maintaining a sense of humor while Will cried and screamed at Santa. Poor old man.

3. Breakfast with Andrew and his family before screaming at Santa.

4. Fleet Feet Sports in Gaithersburg. They are seriously THE best with any kind of running issue. Jennifer spent a great deal of time with me, and I walked out with much better-fitting running shoes, inserts, special sandals, and a roller. My feet will thank me. Merry early Christmas to me! Take that, plantar fasciitis!!!

5. Getting a short nap in while Will napped.

6. Baking my fave Christmas cookies.

7. Managing a walk with Dex without TOO much pain thanks to my new shoes and inserts.

8. Ms. Roseanne baby-sitting. She's the best, and we always feel at ease when she is with Will!

9. Our amazing dinner at Firestone's in Frederick. Loved the sweet potato gnocchi! 

10. Downtown Frederick in full Christmas spirit.

11. My hubby's sense of humor.

12. Christmas cards have started to arrive! I LOVE this season!!!

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