Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Sick day madness!

I hate taking sick days but am SO glad I did today. What a necessity! I rested. I saw the doctor. I rested some more. I made ME a priority.

So, on this 22nd day of December, here's a list of things that brought me gratitude, amusement, or intrigue today:

1. My loyal nurse Dexter never leaving my side today. What a loyal sweetheart!

2. Greg really stepping up with Will so I could rest and heal. He's the best. 💞💞💞

3. Tylenol. Without finally caving and taking it, I doubt my fever would have broken.

4. My chills ending. Scary stuff.

5. My doctor mama friend encouraging me to go to the doctor to ensure I haven't put stress on the baby. I listened to her.

6. No fever and blood pressure and vitals perfect but have a severe sinus infection. Thank goodness for Augmentin, a pregnancy-safe antibiotic. I'm hoping to feel at least some relief by tomorrow.

7. Buying Ginger ale, soup, and saltines = a sick time necessity.

8. Finally being able to keep food down again.

9. More rest.

10. Panera's chicken noodle soup. Part of Operation Hydration!!

11. More awesome Christmas cards in the mail.

12. More sleep.

13. Hearing from my parents, who are on a Christmas cruise and currently in Colombia. #luckybastards 😜😜😀

14. No more fever.

15. Looking like a hot mess picking up Will this afternoon. See below.

16. Cold compresses. See below.

17. Will's clear pronunciation of "doggie" now. It's so adorable seeing him and Dex together. See below.

18. Will "reorganizing" my shoes. What a helpful boy. See below.

19. Will dancing to classical music in the kitchen. 

20. Will being in a good mood all night and going to bed easily. #allelujah

21. My bed.

22. Being in my bed currently. More rest ahead!! 😀😀😀  

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