Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Energy is returning!!

A very full but awesome day indeed! So much to continue to be grateful for and appreciate!

8th day of Christmas gratitude list:

1. Getting Will to school a bit earlier than normal to sneak in a Pure Barre class before my AM training. I'm addicted!

2. My healthy protein balls. They are seriously the perfect snack!

3. Only puking once today.

4. Rolling out my foot on the massager I have....mmmmmm.....

5. Committing at least 3 random acts of kindness today. I can do better, though! 

6. My crazy but awesome new leggings. 

7. My leadership meeting after school getting cancelled.

8. Shopping for Will's teachers and scoring an amazing deal in the process.

9. Still being able to drink my fave Starbucks beverage, a grade nonfat Oprah chai latte.

10. KT tape not keeping me from my nightly walks. Will happily joined us tonight.

11. Instead of wanting to bathe the baby dolls at school with his peers, Will opted to wash some cars and trucks. Sounds about right. #pureboyallthetime

12. My crazy energy seems to be coming back. Thank you, 2nd trimester, and watch out, world!! 😜😂😜

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