Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sunday barf day!

Sunday Funday! 

It was more like Sunday barf day thanks to my little baby, who obviously didn't get the memo that we are now well into our second trimester. Silly baby!

Despite not being able to hold much down, much got accomplished, and I continue to have so much to be grateful for. 

1. Meeting and connecting with a friend of a friend over brunch currently struggling with infertility. We meshed right away, and I think I gave her some tips and suggestions to move forward with. Women are NOT alone in their journeys to have children, and the more we can connect and talk about it, the better.

2. Actually sticking to a list at Target. #win

3. Master of None. I highly recommend this original Netflix comedy.

4. William is seriously the sweetest boy in the world. We are beyond blessed.

5. Taking it easy with exercise this weekend to help relieve my plantar fasciitis. NOT easy for me to do, but I'm glad I did.

6. Finishing a heart-warming novel, Carry Her Heart.

7. Reliving my childhood and making my Mom's chicken noodle soup. SO good, despite having to use parsley instead of celery (Silly hubby can't follow grocery list lol).

8. Getting to spend time and this dinner with an awesome colleague and friend.

9. Hearing that one of the teachers I've worked closely with over the past 3 years accepted a position to teach history in Colombia for next year. This is a dream come true for him, and I am so proud of how far he's come!

10. KT tape. Love this stuff to help my foot.

11. Keeping down a quality slice of NY style cheesecake for far!

12. Will's joy at life, especially when eating blueberries tonight. He is beyond obsessed with fruit.

End your weekend with inner peace and gratitude, WW!!

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