Sunday, December 20, 2015

Oh, Sunday nights!

Oh, Sunday nights. The time where you ask where the hell the weekend went, try to mentally prepare for the week ahead, and curse in the process.

I haven't posted in a few days, making this list of things that brought me mirth, vexation, or gratitude this weekend even more fun to write. So, on this 20th day of December, here goes nothing...

1. The cold is finally here, and I can't find my favorite winter coat anywhere. #fail 😡😡😡

2. 4 different Christmas parties. Had a blast!

3. Too bad Will decided to break a nice glass ornament at one of the parties. I owe you a replacement, Melissa. So sorry! 😩😩😩

4. Not knowing what on earth your toddler wants to eat when the only thing he says over and over again is "ba!" So, we bring a ton of food over to him. He shakes his head and starts to scream uncontrollably. Oh, toddlerhood.

5. Greg's successful trip to a used bookstore and record store with Will, until Will decided to remove all of the books from the shelves. 😂

6. Pure Barre 4 days in a row. #addicted

7. A headache that will not go away. I know I can take Tylenol, but I'm stubborn and don't like to take anything during pregnancy. 😩

8. Addressing 130+ Christmas cards in one sitting early Saturday morning in order to get them mailed at the post office yesterday.

9. Running around town delivering cards to the vet, Dexter's groomer, and my amazing nail salon. Greg thinks I'm crazy. He is correct.

10. Target. Avoid it at all costs until after the new year.

11. Our 2nd new chair being delivered. This is especially impressive, considering the estimated delivery date was 3/22/16.

12. Finding the perfect gift for our White Elephant Gift Exchange at work tomorrow.

13. The smell of gasoline. I've always loved it.

14. Will still not destroying any of our ornaments.

15. Catching up with my awesome MIL. Looking forward to seeing her later this week!

16. Propel. I could literally drink it all day. Oh wait, I actually do.

17. It's our 17th week of pregnancy! Our baby is now 3.5 oz and the size of my palm!

18. Only puking once this weekend. If it could stop entirely, that would be grrrreat.

19. Not finding out the baby's gender until January 13 = not conducive to my planning ways. It can't come soon enough!

20. I want snow. I know, I know. But I'm a New Englander at heart and always will be. Plus, I heart snow days. 💞

Did I mention it's going to be 75 on Christmas Eve?!!!!! Insanity!!! 😳😳😳😱😱😱 

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