Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday Funday!

I've decided to start calling Monday Monday Funday. Everyone hates Mondays, so I figured I would rename them to lighten the mood and get people smiling more. I have to say that it worked at school today too!!

Today's gratitude list (Day 7 of Christmas):

1. The KT tape is truly making it less painful to walk, and I even forgot my plantar fasciitis was there a few times today! #score

2. Still finding my sense of humor after puking up my breakfast. The baby just wants to remind me that he or she is there. #troublealready

3. Will's intense love of the animal figurines at school. #allanimalsallthetime

4. Will rejecting playing with the fake snow (They're working on textures) in favor of going back to the animal figurines. #shocker

5. Discovering my principal's sense of humor is still intact after his long absence from school. 

6. A Chipotle lunch to benefit our school. Hopefully, no E. coli there.

7. Chocolate cake in honor of a great colleague's birthday.

8. 55 degrees and sunny on December 7. #nottooshabby

9. More Christmas cards in the mail! Yay!!!

10. Will and Greg dancing together. #tooprecious

11. A brisk evening walk with Dexter.

12. Being in bed by 9 pm. #mommywin

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