Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Gratitude abounds!

So much to be grateful for today!!

Day 2 of Christmas gratitude list:

1. 8.5 hours of sleep last night. A new recent weeknight record.

2. Supposedly, the rain is over after today. Thank God.

3. Surviving leading 6 consecutive teacher professional development sessions today. Only one person really irked me too. #win

4. Coaching teachers who truly want to do best by kids.

5. Indulging in a Pure Barre class after school. Best way to end a workday.

6. A few kind drivers on the cluster that is 270N during rush hour. Shocking.

7. Will can already read 2 words -- dog and no. Is this kid brilliant or what?! Lol 😜

8. A beautiful handwritten note from a beautiful, longtime friend, Molly. 😍😍😍

9. Greg making it home in time for me to head to prenatal yoga. Two awesome classes for ME in one day?! Yesssss.

10. Nutella. If only it were calorie and sugar free.

11. My parents arriving safely back in FL this afternoon.

12. Our Christmas photos by Bruna are done, and they are AMAZING! I can't wait to share some of them with you!

Hope your Hump Days were nothing short of fabulous, Warrior Women! 

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