Thursday, December 24, 2015

Twas the night before Christmas...

''Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was sick, not even Kay. I'm finally back to life, and it's a Christmas miracle!

It's Christmas Eve, and I feel beyond blessed to finally be feeling back to normal. I even have an appetite again!

Here's my list of things I've learned and observed during and after my illness:

1. Velcro dogs are the best nurses.

2. Full-calorie Gatorade -- and lots of it -- is a must.

3. Not puking = total win.

4. Being able to sleep without having a fever or chills = bliss.

5. My in-laws are here and rock.

6. 68 degrees and rainy on December 24 in MD = just plain weird.

7. 70 degrees on Christmas = even weirder.

8. Will's smile continues to be ridiculously infectious.

9. I'm obsessed with photo Xmas cards. You should see our fridge!!!

10. Getting to take Dex for a walk for the first time in 5 days = exceptional.

11. The vet says Dex is a bit overweight. Guess I will need to have a sit-down with Will to discuss breaking his habit of sneaking food to the dog when I'm not looking. 😉

12. I need to stop calling Dex "Fatty," but it's funny. 😜

13. Food tastes SO good again.

14. Greg makes mean scallops. Mmmmmm.....

15. The cleaning service we have biweekly = a godsend.

16. I would hire my MIL as our full-time cook if I could. 😘

17. Mindy Kahling's book = awesome. 

18. Santa needs bourbon, not milk. See below. 

19. I made cookies for Santa. They are delicious.

20. Will's obsession with trains and books knows no bounds.

21. Will now knows how to blow kisses. Simply adorable. 😍😍😍

22. Christmas will be a lot more fun once Will understands the concept of Santa and believes in him.

23. Santa is real.

24. And his gifts are awesome. I can't wait for all of us to open them tomorrow morning!

Merry Christmas Eve to all, and to all a goodnight. ☃☃☃

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