Thursday, December 17, 2015

Ode to Winter Break

Because winter break is on every single teacher's mind right now, today I offer you 17 things standing in my way before such a least until I run out of things to write. Ha!

1. Our Christmas cards finally arrived today. Please have a robot come over and address all 150 envelopes. #thanks

2. Covering an endless amount of classes for colleagues tomorrow who will inevitably be out. Not complaining, though. I generally love students. #fridaysindecember

3. It must be mentioned, though, that middle school students are particularly impossible this time of the year.

4. And moody.

5. And dramatic.

6. And refuse to do any work.

7. Of any kind.

8. Lord, help us now. 😱😱😱

9. Whoever thought a 3-day school week before winter break begins was a good idea needs to be punched. Hard.

10. Why on earth is Wednesday a full day of school?

11. A student asked me the above question. My reply, "To torture us all."

12. Managing not to kill any of the indoor plants before my in-laws arrive.

13. Ensuring all glass is actually removed from the carpet after yesterday's snowglobe explosion. Apparently, I failed at this last night, causing Greg to get shards of glass stuck in his hand tonight. Luckily, he removed the glass carefully and is fine. #whoops

14. Staying positive with my colleagues, several of whom are very stressed and sick right now. #tistheseason

15. Will's 18 month appointment next Tuesday. He LOVES doctors. Ha!! 

16. Ensuring Will remains uninterested in the tree...or ornaments. #goodluckmama 😂

17. Killing the last of the damn fruit flies if it's the last thing I do.

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