Monday, November 30, 2015

Oh, Monday!!

What a Monday!! 

I am ready to drop but not before writing my last daily gratitude list for November!

1. Finally being able to work out again at Orange Theory. It has only been 3 weeks but seemed like a century for this cardio addict! I took it slowly at the 5 am class and modified as needed. What a great feeling to be back!

2. Puking 4 different times this morning and still smiling. Just another good sign that all is well with the baby. After all we went through having Will, I will not take a day of my pregnancy for granted. It is waaaay too much of a blessing!!

3. Baking cookies for my colleagues and Greg's coworkers. I clearly need to make more next time! They went in record time.

4. Will insisting on walking outside, despite it being disgusting and raining tonight. Like his parents, he finds solace and peace in the great outdoors. I love it.

5. Greg being able to stay home with Will tomorrow, since the daycare is closed for teacher in-service. Will's friend Andrew will also be joining them, so they are bound to have a blast!

6. Realizing spring break is a bit earlier this year, so it will be early enough in my pregnancy to fly! Woo! I booked a flight to FL for Will and me to visit my parents for 5 days Easter week. Yay for sunny FL!

7. Will is OBSESSED with naming and sorting all animals, especially farm animals. He has mastered their noises and can even name them in different places. It's so fascinating seeing the connections his brain is making ... and so quickly! #babygenius #ha

Thanks for being such a wonderful and memorable month, November!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sunday rainy day!

I was stressing out yesterday over what kind of day trip to do with my patents today. The National Aquarium? DC? Frederick? Annapolis? 

Thankfully, Greg encouraged me to chill out, stop worrying, and enjoy our date night last night. I did. I decided to leave it up to whatever we all felt like doing in the AM.

This morning, we all slept until after 8 (Will included, a Mommy's dream), and it was gross and raining. We decided brunch at Bennigan's was in order and to then see how the day unfolded. Here's a bit of what I'm grateful for from today...

Day 29's list:

1. Will being an angel at brunch. This is no small feat, considering he almost knocked over an entire bar table and 20 glasses the last time he was at a restaurant back in September. Toddlers + restaurants = usually a dangerous combo.

2. Enjoying a relaxing morning decorating our Christmas tree and house, toddler-proof style. That also proved to be so small feat.

3. Singing and dancing along to children's music and Christmas songs. Will has mastered the hokie pokie. No joke.

4. The rain stopping to allow Dex and I a chance to escape the house for a walk during Will's nap. This is also always my treasured audiobook time. I'm currently enjoying a light fiction piece, Carry Her Heart. This is very necessary after finishing the heart-pounding psychological thriller, Bad Games, yesterday.

5. Organizing all of my maternity clothes and donating 2 bags to charity.

6. Will being an endless source of smiles and entertainment.

7. Truly enjoying time with my parents, as it is already their last night here. 

We didn't end up going anywhere today, which ended up being perfect. Sometimes, all you need is quality family time and laughs (and NY style pizza, of course), especially on dreary, miserable Sundays. 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Yay Small Business Saturday!

Another awesome November day! SO much to be grateful for too!!!

Day 28's list:

1. Another awesome Pure Barre class to start the day. I may have puked twice during it, but it's all for a good cause. 😉

2. Family time picking out our tree and designing our Christmas wreath at Butler's Orchard. It definitely helped having my parents there to assist and help watch Will this year!

3. William's constant good mood. We really hit the parental jackpot.

4. My dog's neurotic inability to let me out of his sight. It's actually quite loyal and endearing, most of the time.

5. My parents graciously offering to watch Will to give us a date night tonight.

6. iPic theaters. Totally worth the splurge and experience once in awhile!

7. Matt Damon's acting. His face isn't too bad to look at either. His movie, The Martian, was also pretty sensational.

The dog ate one of Will's dirty diapers while we were gone. In his defense, it was left out and probably looked pretty darn a dog. Mmmmm.... poop.... 😜😜😜 

Black Friday success!

Black Friday this year was all about making fun family memories. Yes, there was a bit of shopping involved, but nothing too crazy, thankfully.

Day 27's list (one day late):

1. Starting off Black Friday the right way with an awesome Pure Barre class. 

2. Will's adorable new haircut, despite him screaming and crying throughout. The barber was outstanding.

3. Finishing ALL of my Christmas shopping AND wrapping before December 1. #mommywin

4. Enjoying a nap while Will napped. #bliss

5. Walking around the neighborhood with my Dad and both dogs.

6. Thanksgiving leftovers. I think they're even better the day after.

7. Greg finally decided to replace his wedding band, which he lost months ago. #sillyhubby #betterlatethannever

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


4 months is equivalent to 4 years in grandparent-hood. My parents literally could not believe just how much Will has grown, changed, and learned since they last saw him in early August. He's like a new person now, walking, talking, signing, and so present!

Yes, lots to be grateful for on this Thanksgiving Eve.

Day 25 list:

1. My parents arrived safe and sound early tonight. Despite all they've been through this past week and horrible traffic, just seeing their grandson made everything better. It was pure joy to witness.

2. I decided to change up my hair a bit and love my new cut! I am also grateful to have had the BEST stylist ever for the past 9 years.

3. Some creative thinking allowed me to still have my weekly therapy session over the phone, due to Will's school closing early today. It all worked out, and Will miraculously entertained himself almost the whole hour! 

4. Bob the Train. A toddler YouTube sensation and the reason I could get anything accomplished with my therapist today. Check it out. ;)

5. Being able to satisfy today's pregnancy craving: sweet and sour chicken. Mmmmm....

6. Seeing my parents with Will. It really makes me wish they lived closer!

7. Ending the night with an awesome prenatal yoga class with Laura. Pure bliss.

Here's to a wonderful Thanksgiving to you and yours! You deserve it, WW!! 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Be grateful!

I've hit a new level of exhaustion, but alas, this too shall pass. 

You know it's bad when colleagues and parents comment on how exhausted you look. This, despite getting 8 hours of sleep last night. Yes, pregnancy with a toddler is a WHOLE new level of tired.

But still so much to celebrate and be grateful for today, thankfully!

Day 24 list:

1. After a solid night's sleep, my Mom felt well enough to begin making the long drive up to MD with my Dad. They are staying over tonight in NC and in very good spirits. They have about 8 hours of driving left tomorrow, traffic permitting! I really am excited to see them.

2. Asking every teacher today what they are grateful for. Sharing this in a small group is valuable and reminds us just how blessed we are. Let us never take for granted the basic necessities of life we enjoy, like a roof over our heads and food on our table. Too many go without every single day...

3. Deciding to "adopt" two more girls in need in our community and play "Santa" for them. I love shopping, especially when it's for a child who will truly use and appreciate the items!

4. My husband, whose life's work is to help keep our country safe from all the evils of the world. He is still hard at work now, making for long nights for Will and I, but I am beyond proud of him and all of the amazing work he does for us all. 

5. Recognizing the importance of self-care. I enjoyed lunch actually sitting down with colleagues today, got a massage after work, and loved my Pho chicken noodle soup for dinner.

6. Turning a traffic jam into something positive by talking on the phone with an old, dear friend of mine, Kate. She became a Mommy this year, also to a sweet baby boy.

7. Being proud of myself for actually listening to my doctor and avoiding intense cardio. I'm allowed to reintroduce it on Monday -- let the countdown begin! 

Monday, November 23, 2015


It may be Monday, but there is already SO much to be grateful for today!

1. Having found no blockages or abnormalities in her heart, my Mom was finally discharged from the hospital tonight. She is now home resting comfortably in bed, thankfully. She is still heavily sedated and has a board attached to her right arm, as it is very weak after all the injections of the past 48+ hours. To say I'm a bit nervous about she and my Dad driving 17+ hours up here beginning tomorrow morning would be an enormous understatement. Sigh....

2. First trimester blood tests results came back, and they are perfect! We are at the lowest risk for everything, thank God. The neural tube measurements were normal too. Still too early to determine gender, though! Booooo!!!

3. Treating myself to some Mickey D's for lunch after my appointment. And call me disgusting, but it tasted damn food. Sometimes, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And when one is pregnant, well, that's another story entirely. Step away from my fast food, or suffer severe bodily injury... 😜😉😄

4. Today's after school staff meeting was cancelled. And yes, the world may now just end...😜😜😜

5. AMAZON. What the hell did we ever do without Prime 2 day shipping?!!!!

6. Will being a TOTAL sweetheart and charmer tonight. He's started liking and preferring me again, which naturally annoys Greg. Buwahahahaha...😉😉😉

7. Ending the day with a long, awesome girly chat with one of my oldest and dearest friends, Mary. Motherhood has only brought us closer, and I am forever grateful for that. 💞💞💞💞

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sunday Funday!

Well, my mom is still in the hospital and has to have a heart catheter tomorrow. They did more tests and a heart ultrasound today, but nothing was conclusive. She and my dad were supposed to arrive here Tuesday night. We are just hoping and praying they will be able to come up later in the week, God-willing! Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Still a lot to be grateful for today, though, thankfully!

Day 22 list:

1. Lazy Sunday mornings enjoying time with my boys (and Ally this AM)! Lots of playtime and laughs had by all.

2. I felt myself getting a bit sick, so Greg let me take a late morning nap for 2.5 hours. #heaven

3. Getting quality Dexter the dog time on a nice long afternoon neighborhood walk.

4. Having a lot of fun with our family Christmas photo shoot with my dear friend and very talented photographer, Bruna. She is incredible! I highly recommend Bruna Photography and am happy to pass along more info. if you are interested. 😀😀😀

5. Even though Greg had to stay back (He also is not feeling well), Will and I had a blast at Jay, Amanda, and Andrew's house for dinner, brewing, and playtime. It is always so adorable to see the boys together!

6. Being in bed before 10 pm. When does this ever happen?!!

7. I may have a good idea of the new baby's gender tomorrow! Eeeeek!!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday, Warrior Women!

I sincerely hope you all took advantage of this beautiful, crisp fall day. 

My gratitude abounds today! 

Day 21 list:

1. My Saturday school students. They have been a joy to teach every week since early September, and I will really miss them. They truly make me want to go back to the classroom full time. 

2. Wegman's. Yes, I continue to love everything about it.

3. Will's love of our family hugs. Truly precious.

4. Our dear friend Ally making delicious baked ziti for us and spending the night. She is amazing!!

5. The smell of laundry fresh out of the dryer. Mmmmm....

6. My mom had to be admitted to the hospital tonight with chest pains, but so far, the results came back clear, not showing evidence of a heart attack. She will remain there overnight to continue to be monitored. Fingers crossed and prayers up that she will be OK!

7. Sparkling cider may not be wine, but it is still damn good. I drank the hell out of it....from a wine glass. #preggerprobs

Friday, November 20, 2015


TGIF, warrior women! We made it and have lots to be grateful for!

Today's list (Day 20):

1. Morning sunlight makes everything a little bit better.

2. Gel manicures do as well.

3. Bubble teas help too.

4. So do amazing baby-sitters.

5. Tapas with awesome colleagues rock.

6. Impromptu viewing of Mockingjay 2 on the world's most comfortable reclining movie seats = win.

7. Knowing I will get almost 8 full hours of sleep = hell yeah. 

Here's to a wonderful weekend ahead! 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

It's almost Friday!

Happy Friday eve, Warrior Women! What a long, exhausting week!

Today's gratitude list (Day 19):

1. Only 3.5 days until Turkey Day break! #whoscounting

2. Puking. It continues to be a bizarrely reassuring reminder that all is well with my little bean.

3. Finding a moment to sit down and have lunch with awesome colleagues. I don't do that enough!

4. Reworking my afternoon to make attending Will's school's family Thanksgiving feast a priority. What a wonderful event! I'm so happy I went!

5. Finding amazing new toys and finds for Will cheaply with online Facebook yard sales. Gotta love them! #stilladdicted

6. Greg making it home at a reasonable time tonight, despite horrific traffic. I'd say that's a win, especially considering the crazy world events of the week!

7. Will's constant insistence of "Up" to get me to hold him. It's adorable, and I doubt I'll ever tire of it. Well, maybe when #2 arrives! Lol. 

Hang in there! It's almost Friday!! 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

What a day!

What a day!

Today's gratitude list (Day 18):

1. Getting to see my little bean again at my routine 12 week OB appointment! The sight and thrill never gets old.

2. Taking Will to the doctor and learning that he only has a bad cold, which will pass. This is far better than the alternatives!

3. Justin Bieber's new CD. Laugh at me all you want, but it's seriously legit.

4. Panera's green power smoothie. Oh so delicious and healthy!

5. Will's new Usborne books arriving in the mail! They are going to be from Santa, and he's going to be obsessed with them!

6. A private prenatal yoga class with the awesome instructor Laura, thanks to the other yogis not being able to practice tonight. #purebliss

7. Feeling all domestic and ending my day making a peach pie. The house still smells amazing!

Hope your Hump Days were fantastic, Warrior Women!!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunday barf!

Events like the tragedy in Paris really make you stop and consider what is truly important, what really matters.

I am beyond blessed in so many aspects of life. This weekend certainly reminded me of many of these reasons:

1. My in-laws. They visited for the weekend and are always a joy to have around. They have been happily married for over 36 years and are the perfect example of a couple still very much in love. I admire and respect them tremendously.

2. Having the chance to discuss what happened on Friday with my Saturday AM students. It was refreshing to talk to teens who truly care about our world and current events.

3. My hubby. He is at work right now trying to figure out how to lead his team through this mess and ensure our country is safe. He refused to leave until Will was in bed -- he is always a husband and father first.

4. Getting to enjoy a wonderful date night in DC last night thanks to my in-laws baby-sitting. They are always so generous with their time and resources!

5. Having a chance to go for long walks with just Greg and the dog these past two days. Can't say we missed pushing the stroller either! ;)

6. Checking out a new brewery (for us) in Mt. Airy. I had a blast, even not being able to drink, which speaks highly to the venue, ambiance, and, of course, cheese selection available. :)

7. Greg completely cleaning up Will's car seat after he barfed on it three times on the way home from the brewery. I will spare you from posting that pic!

Here's to a wonderful weekend ahead full of gratitude, Warrior Women! 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Prayers for Paris...

Tonight, I am truly at a loss for words. My heart breaks and aches for those who perished in the senseless terrorist acts in Paris. I am angry. I feel such a sense of despair and hopelessness. What is this world coming to? And why on Earth am I bringing yet another child into it?

I do not know the answers to these questions. I do not know how our world go to be so sick and twisted or if things will ever get better.

But I refuse to give up all hope. As an educator and now a mother, I want my children to grow up in a better, safer, and kinder world. Call me naive, but perhaps their generation will be the one who turns things around. Or maybe it will be ours.

Be the model. Model the Golden Rule. Model kindness. Model integrity. Model respect. And most importantly, model tolerance and a willing to open your hearts and learn from those around you, even those who may be your polar opposite. 

Don't stop fighting the good fight. I remain an eternal optimistic and truly believe everyone is capable of good. They are. Some just need a bit more guidance and positive reinforcement to get there. 

Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow. Always. 

And tell your loved ones just how much you love them. Squeeze them a bit tighter -- and longer -- today.

#hopematters #prayersforparis 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Thank you, veterans!

The insanity of the week continues! My day started with a 6 am trail run and didn't end until 8 pm at school due to parent conferences. Ack! Exhaustion is my new BFF.

But alas, the gratitude continues. Here's Day 11's list:

1. Switching up my routine a bit to run trails with 3 work buddies. I was a lot slower than them but got to take the time to enjoy the beautiful scenery, stare down some deer, and wake up running with the sunrise. #socool

2. Greg finally seeing a doctor and being put on antibiotics for his sinus infection. He's already starting to feel better too! Gotta love it when men actually decide to go to their doctor's. #gofigure

3. Greg going the extra mile with holding down the fort at home and taking care of Will today while I had to be at school. Thank goodness he had today off!

4. Tortaco in Gaithersburg. If you're local and like Chipotle, it's the best. #trustme

5. Getting to hear about some awesome progress students are making at today's parent conferences.

6. My awesome colleague Lindsey. We have a lot in common right now, and she is always a ray of sunshine to my day! I really enjoyed having the chance to sit next to her while greeting families tonight. #ittakesavillage

7. A random father who thanked me profusely for always greeting and welcoming cars coming to school in the AM so positively. That felt so good to hear!

*** Most importantly, I feel enormous gratitude to our veterans, near and far, who are willing to sacrifice everything to ensure we can truly be "the land of the free and the home of the brace." We salute and cannot than you enough, today and every day. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Gratitude abounds!

Another crazy busy day, but my gratitude continues to abound!

Day 10's gratitude list:

1. Getting over 7 hours of sleep = an easy way to ensure you start your day off right!

2. Will immediately becoming engrossed in animal puzzles when dropping him off at school. He is learning SO much there, and it's so fascinating watching the wheels in his head turn!

3. Greg voluntarily deciding he needs to go to the doctor tomorrow. This is big. It usually takes him losing a limb before even considering paying the doctor a visit (typical guy). He now thinks he has bronchitis, so I'm beyond relieved he is taking action...finally!

4. SO many wonderful colleagues who keep me happy and laughing throughout the day. 

5. The rain clearing up in time for a late night stroll with the dog.

6. Finding dinner via a quick trip to Wegman's. I'm obsessed, and Greg thought it was like a gourmet meal. #winwin

7. These delicious No Bake Energy Bars. They are SO easy to make (less than 10 min.), full of protein, and soooo tasty! I'm including the recipe below. Enjoy!

Sending love, light, and positivity your way, WW! 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Oh, Monday!

What a day! Between my normal day job and my side consulting gig, I was on the clock for over 13 hours straight. I am beyond ready to pass out. 

But first, today's gratitude list (day 9):

1. First trimester puking. A bizarre thing to be grateful for, I know, but it hasn't been as nearly as bad as with Will and is oddly reassuring. I see it as a reminder that everything is all right with our new little one so far!

2. Being able to hold down food and have an appetite again this afternoon. It's the little things!

3. Helping put my principal in a good, feisty mood. I like to think I help balance and calm him down. Proof: he volunteered to lead a White Elephant holiday gift exchange. He normally hates these kinds of things! #stillinshock

4. Recognizing a hard working -- though unpopular -- staff member. She works her butt off and deserves to be thanked for it as much as anyone!

5. Receiving the Boy Scout fundraiser popcorn I purchased from a colleague just in time for my appetite returning. #delicious #imayhavealreadydevouredmostofthebag

6. Spending less than $150 on a big Target run and actually sticking to a list. This is big for me!

7. The soothing, eery patter of rain on our windows right now. There's something very relaxing and sleep-inductive about it. Zzzzzzz.....

Hope you didn't have a total case of the Mondays, Warrior Women!! #findjoyeveryday 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

What a weekend!

What a weekend, and not in a good way. 

Greg and Will both were quite sick on Friday and unfortunately got me ill. After teaching yesterday AM, I basically spent the rest of the day in bed resting, trying to regain strength. It takes a lot for me to sit still and do nothing, and this was definitely one of those times.

Day 7 gratitude list (from yesterday):

1-7. My amazing husband. Even though he wasn't feeling 100%, he took the lead with Will today to allow me to get some much-needed sleep. It was just what the doctor ordered. I am beyond blessed to have Greg. We are a team, and I couldn't ask for a better father for Will. We are truly the luckiest!!

Day 8 (today):

1. Feeling well enough to make cinnamon rolls for my boys for breakfast. #nomnomnom

2. The fresh, crisp fall air.

3. A long family walk. I already felt more like myself simply being outside.

4. Living in a neighborhood with SO many great hiking and walking trails and paths. #clarksburglove

5. Celebrating a good friend's birthday in VA with my boys, getting to catch up with many more great friends in the process.

6. Will managed not to destroy anything in their condo, despite it not being child-proofed at all. He did leave quite a path of cornbread on the carpet, though. It was too good not to eat furiously and drop most of it in the process! #toddlerlife

7. Little baby's now the size of a lime. Such a little miracle!

Have a fabulous end to your weekend, WW!! #gratitudematters 

Friday, November 6, 2015


TGIF, warrior women! 

Both of my boys are sick, so to say I am ready to collapse in bed is a huge understatement.

But alas, time for my Day 6 gratitude list:

1. Another beautiful, WARM fall day! We are truly getting spoiled. #whatseasonisitreally

2. A 6:15 am trail run with 2 of my fave work and running buddies. Bonus: daylight hit only a few min. into our run! #bestwaytowakeup

3. Making a breakthrough with a teacher struggling with behavior management. #resilience

4. Will's love of being read to and trying to talk in complete sentences even with a fever. #trooper 

5. Matt Bellassai videos. If you don't know this social media comedian, check him out on Facebook. You won't regret it! #thebest 

6. NAPS (whenever possible - ha!) #alwaysamommywin

7. My current craving = chicken pot pies. #preggers 

And now I collapse. Yes, I continue to be grateful for sleep most of all.

Enjoy an awesome start to your weekends, WW! #restup #livewell #treasureeveryday

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Friday eve!

Day 5 gratitude list:

1. Another gorgeous fall day!

2. My son hugging me a little tighter when I dropped him off at school this morning.

3. Amazing leftovers for lunch.

4. Weekly therapy session = THE best.

5. Seeing Will try to eat yogurt with his fingers = adorable disaster.

6. My amazing husband, who rarely complains about anything, let alone his hellish commute every day.

7. Tomorrow is Friday.

I'm trying the list without hashtags today! Sleep well, Warrior Women!! Xo

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Gratitude matters!

Rarely do I have the chance to both start and end my day doing something just for myself. Well, today was an exception! I began my day with a sweaty, intense OTF 5 am class and ended it with a soul-hugging, rejuvenating prenatal yoga class. Bliss. Pure bliss.

Many other great things to be grateful for today:

1. Having my car's software get reprogrammed at the dealership, allowing it to finally run normally again. #phew

2. Being surrounded by supportive colleagues offering me anything they could when I was feeling particularly nasty and nauseous this morning. #lovemycolleagues

3. The amazing mac 'n cheese from Dogfish Head. #nomnomnom

4. Getting to relax and spend time with treasured colleagues outside of school. #stilllovemycolleagues

5. A 72 degree and sunny day in early November. #illtakeit

6. Feeling a bit better and regaining an appetite as the day went on. #thankgoodness

7. Being awarded the Above and Beyond the Call of Duty award for November, as nominated by fellow staff members. I even get a plaque and VIP parking space for the month! #gofigure 

Take time to be present AND grateful today! Gratitude matters.

#havetherightattitude #modelthemodel 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


5 letters I am thankful for today:


That is all. #preggersout

Monday, November 2, 2015

A month of gratitude!

Let's make this an entire month of gratitude. Isn't that what November and Thanksgiving are all about, anyway? It should be. There's something very therapeutic and fulfilling about pausing to consider what you're truly grateful for at the end of each long day.

Here goes today's list!

1. What's the first rule of working out? Never skip a Monday! I'm grateful that I got to bed early enough last night to make it to my 5 am OTF class this morning. There's something truly refreshing and satisfying with getting an intense workout in to begin tackling a long Monday. I'm taking it a bit easier these days as needed on the treadmill and on the floor exercises, but who cares? I'm out there getting it done and doing great things for me -- and baby!

2. Will's obsession with pushing his little tractor everywhere. It's simply adorable.

3. FaceTiming with my parents so they can see Will's priceless face and antics. We haven't seen them in over 3 months, and I really miss them. FaceTime is the next best thing. 

4. Helping some first-year teachers close out their first marking period grades successfully. I initially was a bit bitter to have to go into work on our teleworking today, but I made the most of it, got a lot done, and helped people in the process. #mondaywin

5. My doctor says it is safe for me to continue drinking my chocolate Shakeology during my pregnancy. Phew! It's my AM obsession while driving to work and such a great source of protein to keep me going. #mmmmmmm

Our entire household is in bed before 10 pm = a small miracle! Keep them coming.

Make it a great evening and restful sleep, warrior women! #gratitudematters 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Monkeying around!

What an awesome Halloween weekend! So much to be grateful for and happy about. I feel another list coming!

1. My hubby having the confidence and sense of humor to wear the ridiculous banana costume I got him. What fun we LaBancas all had "monkeying" around!

2. Seeing Will with his toddler friends. They really are peas in a pod! It was especially cute seeing Will and Andrew entertain the trick or treaters at our door by actually handing them candy, filling and emptying the candy bowls over and over again, and then throwing all the candy down the outside stairs. #whatfun #toddlerlife

3. Rediscovering my love of afternoon naps. I think "sleep when the baby sleeps" also applies when you're pregnant with a toddler. #sleepwhileyoucan #2under2 #ohboy

4. Will is now mimicking everything we say and do, which is particularly entertaining when it involves beatboxing and ridiculous dancing!!

5. Going back to a Pure Barre class for the first time since being pregnant. I've missed it! #backtothebarre

6. Greg's homemade shrimp risotto. #pregnancycraving #delicious

7. I'm in bed before 9 pm. #mommywin

BONUS: I should also mention that Will adjusted beautifully to daylight savings time, a small miracle aided by his exhausting Halloween festivities and going to bed later than usual. #illtakeit

Happy November, warrior women!!