Monday, September 21, 2015

Yay for exhaustion!

Several things I know to be true today:

1. I am beyond exhausted. My body is definitely still adjusting to my new morning workout routine, and I probably should get to bed even earlier. I am seriously ready to fall over.

2. My amazing hubby sensed my exhaustion and really brought his A-game to "William watching" and other chores tonight.

3. I love my job and coworkers. Thank God for having some sanity at school.

4. Will is just about fully walking! He took another 5 steps today by himself and is soooo ready. It's a confidence thing at this point!

5. I am so grateful to have had some amazing time with my Dad's extended family this weekend for my cousin's wedding. I don't get to see enough of them, and we couldn't have had a better occasion to celebrate!

6. Bed. Now. 

Goodnight and rest well, Warrior Women!

#newlevelofexhaustion #stillsoblessed

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