Sunday, September 20, 2015

A whirlwind wedding weekend!

Wonderful weekend in RI celebrating my cousin's wedding to his beautiful new bride!

If only we could have beamed ourselves there...

We have less than an hour home, and so far, it's a lot less chaotic and accident-filled than the ride up on Friday, thankfully! Will is now taking his second nap, the dog is peaceful in my lap, and everyone is happy. I even ran into an old HS friend at a NJ rest stop with her gorgeous 9 month old daughter! How fun!

I'm happy with the lifestyle decisions I made this weekend too. I took advantage of two kid-free nights to finally get caught up on sleep (for now!), managed to fit in a quick (but effective) T25 workout in the hotel room yesterday morning, got some quality time in with Greg, didn't gorge myself at the wedding, and decided to take a true rest day today to let my body heal! #yay

I'm often bad about rest days. Since exercise is my de-stressor and drug, it's hard to go full days without it. I know my body needs time to repair itself for the week ahead, so I often take it easy with gentle yoga, stretching, and light walking. On rest days, it's fine to still be moving; you just want to keep everything at a relaxed pace and not overdo it. Easier said than done for sure at times!

Greg and I realized we don't have another extensive family road trip this fall. Woohoo! We will still go on fun day trips and explore fall and pumpkin festivals with Will, though, at a much more relaxed pace. Can't wait!!

Here's to a smooth rest of the drive and a peaceful, calm end to a long, exciting, and adventure-filled week for all you Warrior Women! 
#lovereigns #familyfirst #crazedyoungfamiliesontheroad

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