Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Choose pure joy!

It is 8:36 pm, and I am relaxing in bed. I don't remember the last time this has happened.

A very wise coach told me today to listen to my body and let it rest and heal to be fully ready for the Ragnar Road Relay next weekend. She said:

"Your body is trying to tell you something with all this exhaustion. But understand that it's a temporary situation. Rest and the exhaustion goes away (or don't rest and it will only get worse). Look, I KNOW you can do this. You are already prepared. The only thing left to do is rest and rebuild so you are at your peak when you get that slap bracelet. Sometimes it's not about muscling through the tough days and it's more about being smart and kind to your body and mind. The best performers are the ones who know how to rest."

Well said, Coach Alison, well said. Now I must actually continue to listen to this sage advice....

You all seem to love the personal pics and videos I post, so here are some images from the past 2 days that brought me joy. Like my newly done perm from this afternoon (I get one per year and never have to blow dry my hair -- so exquisite!!)?!!

Have YOU found your sources of pure joy today?!!

#bekindtoyourself #restandrecover #choosejoy

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