Thursday, September 3, 2015

Find your inner child!

I really believe Thursdays should be called Friday Eve. Doesn't that just sound better?!! 

I was gone from the house for over 14 hours today and am ready to collapse. Greg gave me a night off, which included my amazing weekly therapy session (I love me some talk therapy!), massage (I try to get one every few months), and a much-needed Pure Barre class (I hadn't been in a few weeks). Sometimes, all it takes is a few hours to yourself to unwind, recharge, and get a much-needed dose of personal TLC. I'm thankful I have an amazing husband who lets me do that. And I certainly let him have his "guy time" too. #teamwork

We are certainly getting into a nice rhythm as a family of 3. I know we are spoiled having only one child (who has really been an easy baby for the most part), and I often wonder how dynamics will change if and when we decide to add to our family. People say 1 child is "easy peasy" and 2 is "manageable", but I wonder what that will mean for us. We love Will to death, and I'm sure our hearts will only make more room for his sibling eventually. It's unknown territory but certainly exciting to consider (No; I'm not preggers!). 

I'm slowly finding more balance. My therapist is impressed with the progress I've made, even over the last week. I am finally starting to learn to say "no" more and choose to put my family and me first. I guess it's better learning this at 32 than never, right?!

We are all works in progress, as we should be. Life would be far too mundane if we didn't change, grow, fail, and learn from our mistakes. Life should be an adventure ... and sometimes a messy one. I know a toddler or two who already recognizes this. 

Maybe we can all learn a little about caring less what others think, living in the moment, and not being afraid to get dirty from these little guys. They may have more to teach us than we realize. 

#fridayeverocks #findyourinnerchild

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