Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Try something new!

I strive to go outside my comfort zone in some way every day. When it can be by changing up my fitness routine, even better!

I've written about Pure Barre before and really cannot sing its praises enough. Even though I hated my first class (so much so that I didn't set foot in the studio again for 3+ months), I decided to give it another shot -- and am so thrilled I did! The mixture of non-impact isometric Pilates, yoga, and ballet moves throughout the one hour class gives me a total body workout without the strain on my body and joints that regular running and HIIT (high intensity internal training) does. I highly recommend checking out a studio near you! I can already see great results since returning to the studio last month. 

The classes are not near my house and rather difficult to fit in with our busy family schedule, but I've managed to go 4 times in the last week. I even managed to sneak one in this afternoon before returning immediately to work for our Back to School Night, which lasted until after 9 pm.

Simply making time to take care of myself paid off. I re-entered my school with a second wind and renewed sense of calm, energy, and positivity. I am already looking forward to more me time tomorrow afternoon, hopefully with a difficult trail run that will once again take me out of my comfort zone!

Keep your body guessing. Keep your muscles challenged by mixing up your workout routine -- and maybe even trying something you said was never "your thing." Who knows?? You might be surprised what new doors and opportunities you happen to open for yourself...

#makeyouapriority #youmatter #liveyourbestlife 

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