Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Small acts of kindness can mean the world to someone else.

This is often one of my mantras and a value that was deeply instilled in me from a very young age. The Golden Rule became a part of who I was and who I continue to strive to be.

At work, I often feel like a counselor and therapist to my teachers. I'm grateful that they feel comfortable coming to me with concerns and seeking guidance. Many times, all they really want is the chance to be heard without judgment. I try to do this and put myself in their shoes in the process. I actively listen, offer my suggestions when appropriate, and then stress the importance of them recognizing what they have control over -- and then moving forward fully and positively. Some conversations are more productive than others, but I try to approach each with an open mind and warm heart.

I also believe in the power of the written word, especially good old-fashioned thank you notes. In this crazy digital age, there's often something uniquely refreshing and comforting about getting a handwritten note. I try to do this at work and home whenever possible. I spent time thanking over 25 teachers today for specific things they have done in their classrooms or for the school recently. Teachers are rarely thanked, so I aim to spread joy, happiness, and gratitude around whenever I can. It's amazing how even such a simple gesture can make a world of difference.

On your quest to live your best and happiest lives, I encourage you to aim to reach out and thank someone for something awesome they've done every single day. Who knows? Maybe your paying it forward will be contagious and be exactly what someone else needs.

#bekind #spreadjoy #rememberthegoldenrule

Monday, September 28, 2015

5 keys to happiness...

A good friend at work and I were talking about the 5 keys to daily happiness today:

1. Do something nice for someone else. 2. Be grateful for at least one thing every day.
3. Read something for at least 15 min.
4. Get sweaty with at least 15 min. of cardio activity.
5. Surround yourself with positive people and those you love.

I love these and try to adhere to them daily. 

What are YOUR personal keys to happiness every day?? 

#gratitude #liveinthemoment #choosejoy

Sunday, September 27, 2015

A walking boy!

And now for a more light-hearted post. 

Look who's making progress on his walking and SO proud of himself too?!! 

#happiestbabyever #soblessed 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Be kind. Always.

I was so fortunate today to celebrate the impending arrival of two female friends' baby girl at their baby shower. They have been trying to conceive through IVF for years and had multiple miscarriages along the way, a devastation I know all too well, sadly.

The entire afternoon made me think about just how blessed I am to have my son Will, regardless of what may happen in the future. There were several pregnant women at the shower as well as other women who are still enduring painful, multi-year infertility struggles. I give them mad props for having the courage to come to the baby shower in the first place! NOT easy. 

Getting to that delivery room and meeting my son for the first time over 15 months ago was a dream come true and the end of a long journey of fertility issues. It pains me that miscarriages and infertility are still so taboo, even in today's society.

I will continue to share my story and urge you to do the same if you -- or a loved one -- has been impacted. You are NOT alone, and it helps to know that SO many women have had direct experiences with infertility -- or certainly know someone who has!

Will is an enormous blessing to us, and we cherish every single day we have with him. I encourage you to do the same with a special child -- or children -- in your life. After all, I hear they grow up in the mere blink of an eye! ;)

Be kind. Listen. Be present. And remember that everyone is fighting a battle you probably know nothing about.

#soblessed #gratitude #mysonmyworld

Friday, September 25, 2015


It certainly has been an interesting two days! We got some wonderful news, which has caused me to rethink some of my priorities and upcoming commitments. Ultimately, I decided not to run next weekend's Ragnar Relay. While I am still bummed, I know it is the best decision for ME right now.

Ahhh, that ingrained Catholic guilt loves to veer its ugly head at the worst times. Decisions like this are difficult for me because I hate letting people down and not following through on commitments I already planned to do. Sometimes, though, you just have to say, ENOUGH. Make the best decision for YOU, Kay, even if it is not what others want you to do or think you should do. And this is certainly easier said than done for a Type A people pleaser like me.

But I did it. I made the best decision possible for my family and me. I'm lucky to have such amazingly supportive running friends, not to mention my very wise husband and ever-intuitive close friends.

Perhaps one of my favorite (and always unpredictable) poets said best:

"here is little Effie's head
whose brains are made of gingerbread
when the judgment day comes
God will find six crumbs

stooping by the coffinlid
waiting for something to rise
as the other somethings did--
you imagine His surprise

bellowing through the general noise
Where is Effie who was dead?
--to God in a tiny voice,
i am may the first crumb said

whereupon its fellow five
crumbs chuckled as if they were alive
and number two took up the song,
might i'm called and did no wrong

cried the third crumb, i am should
and this is my little sister could
with our big brother who is would
don't punish us for we were good;

and the last crumb with some shame
whispered unto God, my name
is must and with the others i've
been Effie who isn't alive

just imagine it I say
God amid a monstrous din
watch your step and follow me
stooping by Effie's little, in

(want a match or can you see?)
which the six subjunctive crumbs
twitch like mutilated thumbs:
picture His peering biggest whey

coloured face on which a frown
puzzles, but I know the way--
(nervously Whose eyes approve
the blessed while His ears are crammed

with the strenuous music of
the innumerable capering damned)
--staring wildly up and down
the here we are now judgment day

cross the threshold have no dread
lift the sheet back in this way.
here is little Effie's head
whose brains are made of gingerbread."

Ask yourself -- who are you trying to please today, and why? The answer may surprise you.

#expectations #livewithpurpose #liveyourbestlife 🎀💞✨🎃

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Choose pure joy!

It is 8:36 pm, and I am relaxing in bed. I don't remember the last time this has happened.

A very wise coach told me today to listen to my body and let it rest and heal to be fully ready for the Ragnar Road Relay next weekend. She said:

"Your body is trying to tell you something with all this exhaustion. But understand that it's a temporary situation. Rest and the exhaustion goes away (or don't rest and it will only get worse). Look, I KNOW you can do this. You are already prepared. The only thing left to do is rest and rebuild so you are at your peak when you get that slap bracelet. Sometimes it's not about muscling through the tough days and it's more about being smart and kind to your body and mind. The best performers are the ones who know how to rest."

Well said, Coach Alison, well said. Now I must actually continue to listen to this sage advice....

You all seem to love the personal pics and videos I post, so here are some images from the past 2 days that brought me joy. Like my newly done perm from this afternoon (I get one per year and never have to blow dry my hair -- so exquisite!!)?!!

Have YOU found your sources of pure joy today?!!

#bekindtoyourself #restandrecover #choosejoy

Monday, September 21, 2015

Yay for exhaustion!

Several things I know to be true today:

1. I am beyond exhausted. My body is definitely still adjusting to my new morning workout routine, and I probably should get to bed even earlier. I am seriously ready to fall over.

2. My amazing hubby sensed my exhaustion and really brought his A-game to "William watching" and other chores tonight.

3. I love my job and coworkers. Thank God for having some sanity at school.

4. Will is just about fully walking! He took another 5 steps today by himself and is soooo ready. It's a confidence thing at this point!

5. I am so grateful to have had some amazing time with my Dad's extended family this weekend for my cousin's wedding. I don't get to see enough of them, and we couldn't have had a better occasion to celebrate!

6. Bed. Now. 

Goodnight and rest well, Warrior Women!

#newlevelofexhaustion #stillsoblessed

Sunday, September 20, 2015

A whirlwind wedding weekend!

Wonderful weekend in RI celebrating my cousin's wedding to his beautiful new bride!

If only we could have beamed ourselves there...

We have less than an hour home, and so far, it's a lot less chaotic and accident-filled than the ride up on Friday, thankfully! Will is now taking his second nap, the dog is peaceful in my lap, and everyone is happy. I even ran into an old HS friend at a NJ rest stop with her gorgeous 9 month old daughter! How fun!

I'm happy with the lifestyle decisions I made this weekend too. I took advantage of two kid-free nights to finally get caught up on sleep (for now!), managed to fit in a quick (but effective) T25 workout in the hotel room yesterday morning, got some quality time in with Greg, didn't gorge myself at the wedding, and decided to take a true rest day today to let my body heal! #yay

I'm often bad about rest days. Since exercise is my de-stressor and drug, it's hard to go full days without it. I know my body needs time to repair itself for the week ahead, so I often take it easy with gentle yoga, stretching, and light walking. On rest days, it's fine to still be moving; you just want to keep everything at a relaxed pace and not overdo it. Easier said than done for sure at times!

Greg and I realized we don't have another extensive family road trip this fall. Woohoo! We will still go on fun day trips and explore fall and pumpkin festivals with Will, though, at a much more relaxed pace. Can't wait!!

Here's to a smooth rest of the drive and a peaceful, calm end to a long, exciting, and adventure-filled week for all you Warrior Women! 
#lovereigns #familyfirst #crazedyoungfamiliesontheroad

Friday, September 18, 2015

Traveling on...

Ah, the joys of road tripping with a toddler are always glorious. 

We are 4 hours now into our drive up to CT, where we will drop Will and Dex off at my fabulous (and always generous and giving) in-laws and then head to Providence, RI for my cousin's wedding -- and a kid and pet-free wedding! Woot woot!

I started the day off right at the 6:15 Orange Theory class and still feel energized and refreshed from the workout hours later! 

Of course, we ended up leaving the house 3 hours later than intended because that's what happens when trying to pack and organize a car with a toddler who's into everything. Patience is still a virtue I am learning...slowly.

So far, we have been poop and puke free this trip, but we still have over 150 miles to go. Fingers crossed! But I probably just jinxed it anyway. Oh well. A mom can hope.

Soldier and travel on, awesome Warrior Women!

#havetoddlerwilltravel #thewheelsonthebusgoroundandround #thankgodfornaptime #justkeepdriving 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Find your power partner!

Day 2 of early AM workouts completed! I have a ridiculous amount of energy currently, but I know I will probably want to be curled up in the fetal position on the floor by 2 pm. Ahh! 😀

I almost didn't make it to my 5:00 am Orange Theory class this morning but knew my friends Ana and Melissa would be there. I couldn't wimp out on them!

And wimp out I didn't. Thank goodness!

So, here's to the other Warrior Women in your life who motivate you, inspire you, and ultimately make you want to be a better -- and healthier and more balanced -- person. Alone, we are already tough, but imagine what we can accomplish by supporting and being there for one another every day! The possibilities truly are endless.

#strengthinnumbers #findamotivationbuddy #ittakesavillage 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Changing it up!

I did it! And loved it!

I made it to the 5:15 am run this morning with 5 fabulous running friends. We got a quick 3 miles in (complete with an awesome hill), stretched, and were done by 6. Sweet!

I'm going to attempt a 5:00 am Orange Theory class tomorrow. This means I should be in bed now. Learn, Kay, learn! That will be one of the hardest parts of my new AM workout routine, as I have always been a natural night owl.

Photo credit to Melissa, an awesome person, runner, and friend. See you in a few hours, Warrior Woman! 😘😜😳😝

#changingitup #riseandshine #geterdone

Saturday, September 12, 2015

A recovering overachiever...

Greg found this little gem when cleaning out some boxes in the basement today. This is me circa 1995 in either 6th or 7th grade.

To me, the pic embodies my identity during childhood and adolescence as the ultimate perfectionist and overachiever. I can guarantee that not one (of the hundred) papers proudly displayed on that refrigerator received anything less than a 97%. At the time, I loved it. It's what I lived for. You can even see the visible pride in my face -- and cheesy pose.

Into high school, college, grad school, and beyond, I perfected my "achiever" identity and worked my a** off in the process. I loved challenges and then working hard to achieve them, especially And when there were no more summa cum laude distinctions or other awards to be won, I turned more to physical challenges -- running. Marathons became my new addiction, and I ended up running 24 of them in a 4 year span. I kept setting personal records, placed a few times in my age group, broke my sub 4 hour goal, and barely missed a Boston qualifying time. I even conquered the ultimate challenge of becoming an official finisher of the JFK 50 Mile race in 2009, my first ultra.

Yes, clearly, my past self was addicted to achieving. Whenever I accomplished a goal in one arena, a new challenge was never far behind. Whenever I thought something was impossible to do, I worked to get it done regardless, regardless of the physical or mental toll it took on me.

I look back at all of this now and cannot help but be perplexed. Who WAS this crazy -- and a bit manic -- overachiever? Who was she trying to please or impress? Why was she SO hard on herself to the point where several instances of anxiety and clinical depression resulted? And ultimately, was it all worth it?!!

As I always like to think, no regrets, just lessons learned. While I feel like I have grown, matured, and mellowed out tremendously since Will's birth, I know I cannot deny who I fundamentally am -- and always will be (to an extent) -- an achiever. Now, I am a recovering Type A overachieving perfectionist who cares a heck of a lot more about living a healthy, balanced life in moderation where I can devote appropriate time to what matters most to me: my family, friends, health, personal well-being, faith, fitness, and getting to do what I love every day -- teach. I know more than ever that  it's not plausible or healthy to burn the candle on both ends, try to be "the best" at everything, or please everyone. That's a fast path to insanity ... and probably a nervous breakdown. 

I am learning. I am a work in progress. And that's OK. I am slowly accepting imperfection, the ability and right to say "no," and the wisdom to know how to maintain inner and physical balance in my life. Every day is a tiny new fresh start and an opportunity to have your words and actions reflect what you truly value.

If I could go back in time 20 years, I would pass a bit of wisdom on to the little overachiever by her A+'s on the fridge. "Chill. Take a deep breath. Stop working so hard, and smell the roses once in a while. Trust me; you'll be glad you did."

#noregrets #lessonslearned #liveyourbestlife 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Try something new!

I strive to go outside my comfort zone in some way every day. When it can be by changing up my fitness routine, even better!

I've written about Pure Barre before and really cannot sing its praises enough. Even though I hated my first class (so much so that I didn't set foot in the studio again for 3+ months), I decided to give it another shot -- and am so thrilled I did! The mixture of non-impact isometric Pilates, yoga, and ballet moves throughout the one hour class gives me a total body workout without the strain on my body and joints that regular running and HIIT (high intensity internal training) does. I highly recommend checking out a studio near you! I can already see great results since returning to the studio last month. 

The classes are not near my house and rather difficult to fit in with our busy family schedule, but I've managed to go 4 times in the last week. I even managed to sneak one in this afternoon before returning immediately to work for our Back to School Night, which lasted until after 9 pm.

Simply making time to take care of myself paid off. I re-entered my school with a second wind and renewed sense of calm, energy, and positivity. I am already looking forward to more me time tomorrow afternoon, hopefully with a difficult trail run that will once again take me out of my comfort zone!

Keep your body guessing. Keep your muscles challenged by mixing up your workout routine -- and maybe even trying something you said was never "your thing." Who knows?? You might be surprised what new doors and opportunities you happen to open for yourself...

#makeyouapriority #youmatter #liveyourbestlife 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A child's smile...

I love the sentence starter "Happiness is..." You can learn so much about a person in this one sentence. 

Every day, the ending of this sentence may take on different forms for me. Sometimes, happiness is my running trails or yoga mat, while other times it is a reassuring embrace from my hubby or my dog's giddy grin when greeting me at the end of a long day.

I don't think anything, though, can top the power my son William has over me. His smile can literally light up a room and make my heart explode simultaneously. At just under 15 months, he already knows how to work a room and make you feel like the luckiest person in the world. I love him more than I ever thought a person could love another. That's the funny thing about parenthood. You get to watch a part of your heart walk around outside of your body and completely fall in love all over again. 

To me, the ultimate happiness is making a child smile ... and knowing that, at that very moment, nothing could be better. Life is exactly as it was meant to be, and I am beyond blessed.

#parentingisthebestjobintheworld #gratitude #soblessed

Sunday, September 6, 2015

What an awesome man!

I am beyond grateful for my fantastic, fun, loving, laidback, and incredibly easy-to-please in-laws. We are truly enjoying hosting them this long holiday weekend and having a lot of fun in the process.

My wonderful father-in-law, Don, turned 61 today. He retired as a battalion fire chief this past spring after serving over 37 amazing years as a fire fighter. He is a true example of a selfless hero with a deep appreciation for life who has a hell of a sense of humor. Don also knows how to relax and not let his worries get to him, traits I have always admired and wished I had more of. I swear he looks 10+ years younger and has more hair since retiring too. Hmmmm. 

Here's to Don and many, many more fun, youthful, and carefree years ahead. Greg and I both deeply respect and admire the man, dad, and now grandfather he has become and only hope William will have the chance to learn as many life lessons from him as well. Happy birthday, Don!! 

#livinglifetothefullest #youngatheart #grandpaknowsbest 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Full speed ahead!

Another great day! Will LOVES his new school and is really thriving in the literacy-rich, creative, and ever-stimulating environment. The toddlers follow a structured -- but fun -- curriculum and are constantly exploring new ideas, words, shapes, textures, and stories. I think he is really going to thrive in this new environment and learn a heck of a lot in the process!

School continues to be awesome but stressful for me. The principal trusts me implicitly, which is both a curse and a blessing. He keeps asking me to teach more classes and sponsor more after school clubs, which I love but doesn't help my new mantra of trying to say no -- and NOT feeling guilty in the process! I had a blast teaching some 7th and 8th grade boys who normally get sent out of class. We did a lot of team building, and I even had them complete a learning styles inventory and preference sheet so I can get to know who they are. I truly love teaching and love getting to know many different students in the building. They have such character and certainly are NEVER predictable! 

I then led meetings until after 4:30 and had Will to myself tonight. We had a blast! He is SO close to walking on his own and loves our dog Dexter to pieces. I love the fact that he will always know the love of animals, something that has always been important to me.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring, but I am filled with continued positivity and hope for what lies ahead. I am OK not knowing exactly what path my career will take or what my 1, 5, or 10 year plan is. Maybe it's better not to have a plan at all? This is brand new territory for me, but I shall embrace the unknown courageously and with my head held high, in true Warrior Woman style.

#ohmiddleschoolers #fullspeedahead #reoveringtypeA #gratitude

Very grateful!

TGIF! So grateful for many things today but especially for the friendships and people I've made at the gym I've belonged to since late last July. 

GoPerformance helped me achieve the following:

1. Get my body back and start my journey to getting back in shape beginning 6 weeks post-baby!
2. Allowed me to have a safe haven to unleash stress and get a good workout in after work multiple times a week, as it was next door to Will's previous daycare. 
3. Helped me gain confidence in my ability to complete strenuous HIIT workouts and build back muscle again through lifting.
4. Introduced me to the power of the protein shake post-workout. I swear by them now!
5. Introduced me to a fantastic community of people of all fitness levels, especially a very special group of running friends. I am so grateful to have met a fellow new mom, Lauren, whose son was born less than a month before mine. We had the chance to get our families together tonight for dinner and look forward to future play dates and memories to make.

Even though I have now left the gym, as it is no longer convenient to our daycare or school (and there is a new gym opening up literally right across the street), I will always look back at my time at Go fondly. I thank the owners, trainers, and fellow athletes there who inspired me to reclaim my inner athlete and runner again. It IS still possible to fit fitness and healthy life choices into your life after baby. It's all about careful scheduling and choosing to make YOU a priority every day.

I am beyond lucky to be able to continue doing just that!

#fitforlife #fitnessisajourney #youmatter

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Find your inner child!

I really believe Thursdays should be called Friday Eve. Doesn't that just sound better?!! 

I was gone from the house for over 14 hours today and am ready to collapse. Greg gave me a night off, which included my amazing weekly therapy session (I love me some talk therapy!), massage (I try to get one every few months), and a much-needed Pure Barre class (I hadn't been in a few weeks). Sometimes, all it takes is a few hours to yourself to unwind, recharge, and get a much-needed dose of personal TLC. I'm thankful I have an amazing husband who lets me do that. And I certainly let him have his "guy time" too. #teamwork

We are certainly getting into a nice rhythm as a family of 3. I know we are spoiled having only one child (who has really been an easy baby for the most part), and I often wonder how dynamics will change if and when we decide to add to our family. People say 1 child is "easy peasy" and 2 is "manageable", but I wonder what that will mean for us. We love Will to death, and I'm sure our hearts will only make more room for his sibling eventually. It's unknown territory but certainly exciting to consider (No; I'm not preggers!). 

I'm slowly finding more balance. My therapist is impressed with the progress I've made, even over the last week. I am finally starting to learn to say "no" more and choose to put my family and me first. I guess it's better learning this at 32 than never, right?!

We are all works in progress, as we should be. Life would be far too mundane if we didn't change, grow, fail, and learn from our mistakes. Life should be an adventure ... and sometimes a messy one. I know a toddler or two who already recognizes this. 

Maybe we can all learn a little about caring less what others think, living in the moment, and not being afraid to get dirty from these little guys. They may have more to teach us than we realize. 

#fridayeverocks #findyourinnerchild

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

You are a warrior!

I am a firm believer in surrounding yourself with mantras and messages that speak to and inspire you daily. This week, I have been wearing two new bracelets to help do just that.

The first is a beautiful Keep Collective double wrap leather bracelet from a Mommy friend who designs and sells them. I love it! The gratitude band reminds me to keep everything in perspective and feel truly blessed for everything I have, while the natural "Balance" stone describes how I ideally want to live every day: balanced and in harmony with all of my "houses", with enough time for work, my family, and me. 

The tiny but precious Warrior bracelet was given to me by my wonderful mother-in-law last weekend. The separate description reads:

"Remember that true glory is rising every time you fall. Let this band be your reminder that you are so strong, so fearless, so powerful. You are a warrior, stronger than you have ever been."

How perfect is that?!!

Keep on fighting, living, and laughing, Warrior Women. You deserve nothing less!

#perspective #gratitude #onedayatatime