Monday, August 31, 2015

New beginnings!!!

Such an amazing first day of school for both William and me! He already likes his new teachers and classmates. They were even gushing about how he LOVES books, which is music to this English teacher's ears. He cried a bit off and on, but I'm sure this is part of the natural adjustment to something very new!

My first day with the students rocked too. We already have a teacher out on medical leave, so I got to teach 2 math classes. Tomorrow, I tackle some Alternative Ed. classes! No, my highly impacted and ever-interesting school never fails to keep me busy and learning constantly. I am grateful for that!

Another win? No staff meeting after school (probably the only Monday this school year where that happens!), so I was able to leave by 3:45 (with some external motivation from my office mate) and hit the trails to run with a work friend. Yes, it was the hottest part of the day, but it felt a heck of a lot better under the trees in the trails!

Hoping to get more restful sleep tonight. I NEVER sleep well the night before the first day of school! Hope you've started your week off right too, fabulous warrior women!

#newbeginnings #teacherproblems #ilovemyjob #familyfirst 

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