Sunday, August 23, 2015

Appreciate your loved ones!

Yesterday, my parents' next door neighbor's house in FL was struck by lightning, burst into flames, and burnt to the ground. Luckily, no one was home or injured. The most amazing part -- the homeowners were ridiculously calm and level-headed when they eventually got home later that evening, even stating, "We're OK. We are fine and still have each other and our families. What more could we want?" 

Wow. That will put things in perspective for you. Big time. It's time to use their wisdom to appreciate those most important to us. 

I got to spend a lot of quality time with my little guy since last Wednesday, since he was recovering from croup and his daycare was then closed for teacher PD. My hubby was away for the weekend, so I cherished every moment I could with Will. We even made it to the neighborhood pool for the first time this summer tonight (Sad, I know, but we haven't had time or been home much!). 

Motherhood has definitely changed me for the better. It has brought me ultimate inner peace, mellowed me out (So I hear!), helped me realize what really matters, and allowed me to truly understand what unconditional love really means. William was a long time coming for us, and he's beyond worth it all. His recent obsession with being read to constantly warms this English teacher's heart too.

Here's to more little moments and always appreciating your loved ones. Life is far too short not to. 

#bepresent #havegratitude #liveeachdaytothefullest

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