Friday, August 28, 2015

Teachers matter...

Today was a very emotional and bittersweet day for this warrior woman. William is changing schools, so today was his last day at Watch Me Grow Child Development Center, where he has been since last September. The teachers and staff there have been so wonderful to him over the past year and truly have helped him learn, grow, and develop his positive attitude and bubbling personality even more. 

One teacher in particular really took William under her wing. Ms. Roseanne loves Will like her own child and really developed a special bond with him. She even gave him a very thoughtful, personalized book and insisted on coming into work early this morning to make Will a yummy pancake breakfast. Talk about hard shoes to fill!!

For the first time, I understand what it's like to be a parent and have to say goodbye to such a loving, influential, and supportive teacher like Ms. Roseanne. It sucks. Big time.

I am so grateful to have had her in our lives, along with the other caring teachers. I hope William connects with his new teachers just as well, though I know we will always hold a special place in our hearts for the teachers who helped make his first 14+ months of life so wonderful. 

Teachers matter. Make sure you take time to appreciate -- and even thank -- one who's meant the world to you and/or your child. 

And thank you, Ms. Roseanne, for all you've done for our son. We look forward to staying in touch as Will grows up and taking you up on your offer to baby-sit. We will never forget you.💞💞💞

#gratitude #soblessed #makeadifferenceinthelifeofachild 

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