Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The little moments...

"It's the little moments that matter."

Today's post is dedicated to a fabulous warrior woman I reconnected with tonight, Jessica, who is also one of my favorite yoga teachers of all time. I first met her at Thrive Yoga in Rockville, MD last year in weekly prenatal yoga classes. I always looked forward to her classes and the way I felt leaving the studio, stronger in body and mind with more inner peace and calm. I credit her classes to my relatively easy 2nd and 3rd trimesters as well as my fast, natural delivery. It is truly amazing what can happen when you have control over your breath and are able to align it with movement. Maybe that's why I preferred laboring while standing, standing, or moving around the room! ;)

Tonight was no different. I cherished the time way from home, getting the chance to connect with my emotions, worries, and stress on the mat ... and just let it all melt away. A strenuous vinyasa series left me breathless but full of tranquility and self-acceptance. The relaxation and cooling poses that followed were simply the icing on the cake. Needless to say, I'm hooked and have found a new home on Wednesday nights!

Jess's reflection and sharing of the "little moments" that meant a great deal to her on her recent vacation had me thinking. Is it possible to live moment to moment and truly savor each one? How can we avoid suppressing inner emotions and instincts, which happens when we simply push forward to the "next thing" that has to get done? Can we really stop and appreciate what's around us in the here and now? For a recovering Type A perfectionist like me, all of this seems a bit unrealistic. Or is it?

So, here are a few "little moments" that meant a great deal to me today:

1. Seeing my son smile and chat away happily, despite having croup. What a trooper!
2. Feeling genuinely loved and appreciated by my 5th and 6th grade summer academy students. I LOVE teaching. Period.
3. A smile and warm hello from a stranger, wishing me a wonderful yoga class.
4. An unexpected and much-appreciated after-class talk with a good friend and true warrior woman, reminding me the importance of surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people.
5. A husband who insisted I go to yoga class, despite our son being sick. He is THE best.

What little moments will you remember and cherish today? #bepresent #channelyourinneryogi

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