Monday, August 17, 2015

Here's a true warrior!

I feel so honored to have worked out alongside a truly AMAZING Warrior Woman today. Isa is currently fighting Stage III breast cancer, having undergone months of chemo with an upcoming major surgery and then numerous radiation treatments. She is not even 30 and will never will be able to have her own children, something she very much wanted. You wouldn't know all she's been through just my talking to her!

Isa is the epitome of what it means to be a true fighter who never loses her sense of humor, zest for life, giving spirit, or positive attitude in the process. She refuses to be seen as a victim and insists on living every day to the fullest. In all she is and does, Isa inspires me to be a better person and truly appreciate what I have in my life.

Take time to be grateful today. Take time to put things into perspective. Most importantly, take time to express gratitude and be thankful for who you are, what you have, and the loved ones who surround you. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff, so embrace your inner warrior. Channel your "inner Isa", and keep fighting and smiling! 

And Isa? We're rooting for you. Always.

#choosejoy #teamisa #everydayheroes

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