Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Screw the haters!

You all are amazing. I truly appreciate your kind words and support throughout the day today -- and always!

This pic pretty much sums up today and my continued (albeit somewhat new) approach to people. If you're a natural people pleaser like me, it's hard to accept that not everyone is going to like you or want you to succeed. Forget them. They don't matter. In fact, giving them any power or control in your life is only counterproductive and ultimately a waste of time. Who needs haters anyway? I know I certainly don't. 

Surround yourself with those who love, support, and cheer you on, no matter what. Strive to be a better person, one who chooses to help people reach their true potential rather than bring them down. You're worth it. As the great Oprah Winfrey once said, "Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher." #hatersgonnahate #toobadforthem #youwin #riseabove

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