Monday, August 24, 2015

Rise above the naysayers!

Today definitely had its ups and downs. I've found that I've had to make sacrifices as a working mom and that my time is even more precious. I have started to delegate more at work recently and practice facilitative leadership, trying to empower my other school leaders to take center stage and co-facilitate our school and leadership meetings. This is very different from the past two years, where most school meetings and professional development sessions were often the "Kay show." Apparently, some people see this as "checking out" and that I'm "different." For some reason, this really got to me.

Balance is difficult to find as a busy working mom and recovering type A perfectionist. There are simply not enough hours in the day to get everything done or be everything for everyone. It's not realistic -- or healthy! I work hard to find that balance at work and make time for my son, husband, friends, other family members, and ME in the process. It's a shame that others don't seem to see this. Why can't we be kinder to one another? What happened to compassion, empathy, putting things in perspective, and assuming the best (not worst) in people?!!

I wish that those who think I've changed for the worst or are concerned about me in general would have the courage to broach the issue with me directly. I more than welcome courageous conversations, as difficult as they may sometimes me. It's a shame that some adults would rather gossip, make assumptions, or rush to quick conclusions without having the facts or knowledge of everything going on.

That said, I am taking this as a challenge to rise above the naysayers and pessimists. I will continue to give all I've got to work AND my family .... while still taking care of myself. I will continue to practice the Golden Rule and give others the kindness and respect I would want in return. I will continue to be relentless in my fight for equity and opportunity for ALL students, regardless of where they may be from or what the color of their skin is. Through it all, I will continue to stay true to myself and be a warrior woman. 

My son, my husband, and I deserve nothing less. 

On a lighter note, do you like that Will is already flirting with the Starbucks barista? #weareinforit #beyourbestself 

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