Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Will's first date!

Will already likes older women. 😂😂

Her name is Evelyn. She is 3. They met on a playground over a mutual love of slides. 

Will tried his best to impress her with his fearless "going down the slides" moves. He excitedly screamed, clapped, and danced every time she went down a slide successfully. It was love at first sight. So special. 💞💞💞

At the end of this date, Evelyn hugged Will. He played hard to get until Greg told him to hug her. He did.💗

And then he threw mulch in her face. End of date and relationship. 😪😪😪

Poor Will. He will learn. 🤔

Sorry, no pics are available, as my phone died. Upsetting, I know.😡

Will, I'm sorry your first relationship has come and gone. We wish you all the best next time. And always remember, no one will EVER replace your Mama. 😘😘😘

#ladiesman #flirt #mulchthrower 

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