Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Poop. 💩

More poop. 💩💩

Endless discussions about poop. 💩💩💩

That's when you know you're a parent. 😂😂😃

As many of you know, Will has had issues with constipation since being a newborn. We have found ways to ease the issue, but there are some times where the poop needs to get out ... and it's a long, difficult, and exhaustive process. Last night was one such time. 3 long hours + lots of crying + bicycling + warm bath = eventual success. Needless to say, I wish I could've had a drink once Will was finally in bed. 😳😳😳

Today and tonight have been much better. Unrelated to poop, I got to teach multiple classes this morning, help out with the 6th grade Outdoor Education field trip this afternoon (Always fun leading obstacle courses at 8 months pregnant!), and got lots of quality time with both of my boys tonight. I will keep my political comments about tonight's WI primaries to myself to spare you. 😀😜😉

I will always have poop in my life as a human and pet parent, and that's OK. It's amazing how much one's threshold for "gross" things widens once you're any kind of parent. 💪🏻👏💩🌟💗💞

Poop on, Warrior Women! 💩💩💩

#embracethepoop #stillsoblessed #keepeverythinginperspective  

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