Thursday, April 21, 2016


In keeping with yesterday's theme, here are 10 tell-tale signs others are keenly aware of -- and possibly terrified by -- your late stage of pregnancy: 😳😳😳

1. They immediately stare at your belly. 😮😯😯
2. They want to touch your belly. Always ask, people; always ask.
3. They immediately offer you their chair or hold the door open for you. 😀😀
 4. They can confidently say, "Congratulations!" without fear. It's now apparent you haven't just gained a few pounds for the heck of it. 😜😜
5. They say, "Wow! You're big!!" Yes, idiot, I would hope so. I'm due next month, after all.
6. People begin describing their own children's birth stories to you. Unless it's a happy one, fool, I don't want to hear it. Thank you very much. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
7. People are shocked when they see you up and moving, like I should be sitting or lying down at all times. Um, NO. 💪🏻💪🏻
8. Everyone constantly asks you what you're naming the baby. You'll find out when he's born, thank you, just like everyone else. 😉
9. Then they suggest names for you. One student suggested Bruce for BBL2. No thanks. 😂
10. They instantly pick things up for you when they fall. Love that.

And the bonus sign is:

They love to joke about your water breaking and how awful the birth will be, saying I'm in for it and am crazy to have two boys so close in age. 😱😱

No, sweetie, I'm not the crazy one. You are. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. 😜😜😜

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