Thursday, April 14, 2016

Be true to yourself!

As previously mentioned, the Restorative Justice training I'm participating in this week is quite powerful. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

One of the essential practices of RJ is the restorative circle. In this circle, all participants speak their truths and work together to develop a common -- and agreed upon -- course of action to right a wrong committed. The process originated in prisons and has been highly successful in schools -- and preventing the school to prison pipeline, particularly in Baltimore.

To practice our circle facilitation, we've been invited to participate in several circles this week, both as a large group and in smaller circles. Since we didn't have conflicts to resolve, we were invited to share our personal stories connected to our lives as educators. One such question posed today was: are success and happiness the same thing?

I feel like I've reflected A TON on this question over my life. As a recovering perfectionist and overachiever, I know how addicting success -- and the accompanying achievement -- can be. It becomes all-encompassing to accomplish one goal and then quickly set your sights on another. It has taken me a long time to realize that success and accomplishments do not guarantee happiness. You can win all the awards, promotions, and marathon medals in the world -- and still not be happy or fulfilled with yourself. 😁😁😁

Happiness is a state of mind one has to actively choose with a positive attitude and mindset each and every day. For me, it involves being comfortable, confident, and secure with myself, having all of my "houses" in order, and finding a healthy balance between my personal and professional selves. Some of the most "successful" people I know are also some of the most unhappy, while some of the people living the "simplest" lives are truly the happiest. 💞💞

I firmly believe it's all about balance and staying true to yourself. Know what motivates you, inspires you, energizes you, and makes you want to be a better person. Follow your heart. Be the AUTHENTIC version of yourself, not someone you previously thought you were or what others want you to be. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

Every day is an opportunity to find yourself and make the active decision to be happy. I try to do this every single day. Go to it, Warrior Women!! 🌟👏🌟👏

#staytruetothyself #beauthentic #balanceyourhouses 

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