Monday, August 31, 2015

New beginnings!!!

Such an amazing first day of school for both William and me! He already likes his new teachers and classmates. They were even gushing about how he LOVES books, which is music to this English teacher's ears. He cried a bit off and on, but I'm sure this is part of the natural adjustment to something very new!

My first day with the students rocked too. We already have a teacher out on medical leave, so I got to teach 2 math classes. Tomorrow, I tackle some Alternative Ed. classes! No, my highly impacted and ever-interesting school never fails to keep me busy and learning constantly. I am grateful for that!

Another win? No staff meeting after school (probably the only Monday this school year where that happens!), so I was able to leave by 3:45 (with some external motivation from my office mate) and hit the trails to run with a work friend. Yes, it was the hottest part of the day, but it felt a heck of a lot better under the trees in the trails!

Hoping to get more restful sleep tonight. I NEVER sleep well the night before the first day of school! Hope you've started your week off right too, fabulous warrior women!

#newbeginnings #teacherproblems #ilovemyjob #familyfirst 

Sunday, August 30, 2015


Wow. I had the most amazing weekend with my boys and feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and much more balanced heading into the official first full week of the new school year! 

I am committed to staying this way and already made some good decisions today to ensure that happens (ie: choosing to catch up on sleep and spend a busy, awesome day with my boys rather than going into my school, where many of my colleagues worked for 5 hours today). I still got some work done remotely but was proud of myself for saying NO to fully working on a Sunday. That sets the wrong precedent and unnecessarily robs me of quality family time I very much needed. #nothankyou

Here's to teachers near and far. Your students are counting on you to show up, give them your all, and guide them to creating and living their best lives possible. Teaching is truly the greatest -- and most noble -- profession in the world. Let's make the 2015-16 school year the BEST yet!!!
#highercalling #putkidsfirst #buildingabettertomorrow 

Saturday, August 29, 2015


My gratitude list for today:

1. Finally deciding to distance myself from my regular Facebook page for the time being to focus on what is REALLY important.
2. Will's sheer determination in maneuvering his walker around every curb and sidewalk in the neighborhood.
3. Impromptu family time in the park to appreciate the clouds, wind, and beauty of the day.
4. Catching up with a fellow warrior woman, Molly, who is a true example of someone following her passions and living her best life.
5. Getting to devote several hours this afternoon to completely cleaning out and re-organizing our pantry. There's nothing like the feeling of organizing and purging of unneeded "stuff" to excite this girl! 😊

It's the little things that can make a big difference in your stress levels and well-being, right?

#gratitude #liveyourbestlife #youdoYOU 😁😁😁

Friday, August 28, 2015

Teachers matter...

Today was a very emotional and bittersweet day for this warrior woman. William is changing schools, so today was his last day at Watch Me Grow Child Development Center, where he has been since last September. The teachers and staff there have been so wonderful to him over the past year and truly have helped him learn, grow, and develop his positive attitude and bubbling personality even more. 

One teacher in particular really took William under her wing. Ms. Roseanne loves Will like her own child and really developed a special bond with him. She even gave him a very thoughtful, personalized book and insisted on coming into work early this morning to make Will a yummy pancake breakfast. Talk about hard shoes to fill!!

For the first time, I understand what it's like to be a parent and have to say goodbye to such a loving, influential, and supportive teacher like Ms. Roseanne. It sucks. Big time.

I am so grateful to have had her in our lives, along with the other caring teachers. I hope William connects with his new teachers just as well, though I know we will always hold a special place in our hearts for the teachers who helped make his first 14+ months of life so wonderful. 

Teachers matter. Make sure you take time to appreciate -- and even thank -- one who's meant the world to you and/or your child. 

And thank you, Ms. Roseanne, for all you've done for our son. We look forward to staying in touch as Will grows up and taking you up on your offer to baby-sit. We will never forget you.💞💞💞

#gratitude #soblessed #makeadifferenceinthelifeofachild 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Choose YOUR best path!

My Strengths Finder 2.0 assessment confirmed that I am an Achiever two years ago. #shocker ;)

Recently, I've been wondering -- who am I achieving FOR? Myself? My family? My health? My career? Or, is it just to please others?

All too often, throughout my life, I have tried to please everyone and be everyone's friend. This is particularly dangerous for me as a Staff Development Teacher at my Title 1 middle school, where everyone needs you for something and there simply are not enough hours in the day to get everything done. Combine that with motherhood, being a dedicated wife, and numerous other outside commitments, and it's easy for me to put myself last. Sound familiar?

But I know myself all too well at this point. I am a "joiner" and tend to overcommit myself. I overextend myself to the point of physical and mental exhaustion. Many people do not know that I have suffered with major anxiety and clinical depression throughout my life. My worst times have been when I have not taken control of my health and allowed things to spiral out of control until I completely hit rock bottom -- and could be of no use to anyone, let alone myself.

I feel myself getting into that funk again. I feel myself saying "yes" to the wrong things and starting to agree to take on responsibilities that are not aligned to my true priorities -- my health, my family, and my mental and physical well-being. Tonight, I made a decision to say NO. I made a decision to let go of an extra cohort and set of courses this year that I know I would have loved but ultimately do NOT have the time, space, or mental or physical capacity for right now. Since my second top strength is being a LEARNER, this was difficult for me, but I did it. I chose to say YES to my family, YES to more time with them, and NO to something I would like to do but ultimately cannot afford to take on at this time.

My body is telling me something needs to change. I have lost more weight than I should have over the last month (without actively trying to do so), feel sluggish, am not my usual happy myself, and know that I am at a crossroads. I can choose the path I think I SHOULD go down, or I can choose to take the road less traveled.

Yes, I can be a juggler, but even the BEST "Mommy" jugglers will see all of their balls fall quickly to the ground if they take on too heavy of a load or try to balance too many things at once. Warrior women know when it's time to say no and when it's time to say -- enough is enough. I choose me. I choose my family. I choose living my best life, even if that looks a bit different than what I envisioned it to be yesterday. I'm OK, and that's OK. I'm doing the best I can.

#choosejoy #chooseyou #youmatter #alignyourlifewithyourpriorities

Of course, the English teacher in me has to give some "air time" to one of my all-time favorite poems...

The Road Not Taken
By Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.


Keep your heads up, Warrior Women. And go ahead, choose YOUR best path.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Screw the haters!

You all are amazing. I truly appreciate your kind words and support throughout the day today -- and always!

This pic pretty much sums up today and my continued (albeit somewhat new) approach to people. If you're a natural people pleaser like me, it's hard to accept that not everyone is going to like you or want you to succeed. Forget them. They don't matter. In fact, giving them any power or control in your life is only counterproductive and ultimately a waste of time. Who needs haters anyway? I know I certainly don't. 

Surround yourself with those who love, support, and cheer you on, no matter what. Strive to be a better person, one who chooses to help people reach their true potential rather than bring them down. You're worth it. As the great Oprah Winfrey once said, "Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher." #hatersgonnahate #toobadforthem #youwin #riseabove

Monday, August 24, 2015

Rise above the naysayers!

Today definitely had its ups and downs. I've found that I've had to make sacrifices as a working mom and that my time is even more precious. I have started to delegate more at work recently and practice facilitative leadership, trying to empower my other school leaders to take center stage and co-facilitate our school and leadership meetings. This is very different from the past two years, where most school meetings and professional development sessions were often the "Kay show." Apparently, some people see this as "checking out" and that I'm "different." For some reason, this really got to me.

Balance is difficult to find as a busy working mom and recovering type A perfectionist. There are simply not enough hours in the day to get everything done or be everything for everyone. It's not realistic -- or healthy! I work hard to find that balance at work and make time for my son, husband, friends, other family members, and ME in the process. It's a shame that others don't seem to see this. Why can't we be kinder to one another? What happened to compassion, empathy, putting things in perspective, and assuming the best (not worst) in people?!!

I wish that those who think I've changed for the worst or are concerned about me in general would have the courage to broach the issue with me directly. I more than welcome courageous conversations, as difficult as they may sometimes me. It's a shame that some adults would rather gossip, make assumptions, or rush to quick conclusions without having the facts or knowledge of everything going on.

That said, I am taking this as a challenge to rise above the naysayers and pessimists. I will continue to give all I've got to work AND my family .... while still taking care of myself. I will continue to practice the Golden Rule and give others the kindness and respect I would want in return. I will continue to be relentless in my fight for equity and opportunity for ALL students, regardless of where they may be from or what the color of their skin is. Through it all, I will continue to stay true to myself and be a warrior woman. 

My son, my husband, and I deserve nothing less. 

On a lighter note, do you like that Will is already flirting with the Starbucks barista? #weareinforit #beyourbestself 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Appreciate your loved ones!

Yesterday, my parents' next door neighbor's house in FL was struck by lightning, burst into flames, and burnt to the ground. Luckily, no one was home or injured. The most amazing part -- the homeowners were ridiculously calm and level-headed when they eventually got home later that evening, even stating, "We're OK. We are fine and still have each other and our families. What more could we want?" 

Wow. That will put things in perspective for you. Big time. It's time to use their wisdom to appreciate those most important to us. 

I got to spend a lot of quality time with my little guy since last Wednesday, since he was recovering from croup and his daycare was then closed for teacher PD. My hubby was away for the weekend, so I cherished every moment I could with Will. We even made it to the neighborhood pool for the first time this summer tonight (Sad, I know, but we haven't had time or been home much!). 

Motherhood has definitely changed me for the better. It has brought me ultimate inner peace, mellowed me out (So I hear!), helped me realize what really matters, and allowed me to truly understand what unconditional love really means. William was a long time coming for us, and he's beyond worth it all. His recent obsession with being read to constantly warms this English teacher's heart too.

Here's to more little moments and always appreciating your loved ones. Life is far too short not to. 

#bepresent #havegratitude #liveeachdaytothefullest

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The little moments...

"It's the little moments that matter."

Today's post is dedicated to a fabulous warrior woman I reconnected with tonight, Jessica, who is also one of my favorite yoga teachers of all time. I first met her at Thrive Yoga in Rockville, MD last year in weekly prenatal yoga classes. I always looked forward to her classes and the way I felt leaving the studio, stronger in body and mind with more inner peace and calm. I credit her classes to my relatively easy 2nd and 3rd trimesters as well as my fast, natural delivery. It is truly amazing what can happen when you have control over your breath and are able to align it with movement. Maybe that's why I preferred laboring while standing, standing, or moving around the room! ;)

Tonight was no different. I cherished the time way from home, getting the chance to connect with my emotions, worries, and stress on the mat ... and just let it all melt away. A strenuous vinyasa series left me breathless but full of tranquility and self-acceptance. The relaxation and cooling poses that followed were simply the icing on the cake. Needless to say, I'm hooked and have found a new home on Wednesday nights!

Jess's reflection and sharing of the "little moments" that meant a great deal to her on her recent vacation had me thinking. Is it possible to live moment to moment and truly savor each one? How can we avoid suppressing inner emotions and instincts, which happens when we simply push forward to the "next thing" that has to get done? Can we really stop and appreciate what's around us in the here and now? For a recovering Type A perfectionist like me, all of this seems a bit unrealistic. Or is it?

So, here are a few "little moments" that meant a great deal to me today:

1. Seeing my son smile and chat away happily, despite having croup. What a trooper!
2. Feeling genuinely loved and appreciated by my 5th and 6th grade summer academy students. I LOVE teaching. Period.
3. A smile and warm hello from a stranger, wishing me a wonderful yoga class.
4. An unexpected and much-appreciated after-class talk with a good friend and true warrior woman, reminding me the importance of surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people.
5. A husband who insisted I go to yoga class, despite our son being sick. He is THE best.

What little moments will you remember and cherish today? #bepresent #channelyourinneryogi

Monday, August 17, 2015

Here's a true warrior!

I feel so honored to have worked out alongside a truly AMAZING Warrior Woman today. Isa is currently fighting Stage III breast cancer, having undergone months of chemo with an upcoming major surgery and then numerous radiation treatments. She is not even 30 and will never will be able to have her own children, something she very much wanted. You wouldn't know all she's been through just my talking to her!

Isa is the epitome of what it means to be a true fighter who never loses her sense of humor, zest for life, giving spirit, or positive attitude in the process. She refuses to be seen as a victim and insists on living every day to the fullest. In all she is and does, Isa inspires me to be a better person and truly appreciate what I have in my life.

Take time to be grateful today. Take time to put things into perspective. Most importantly, take time to express gratitude and be thankful for who you are, what you have, and the loved ones who surround you. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff, so embrace your inner warrior. Channel your "inner Isa", and keep fighting and smiling! 

And Isa? We're rooting for you. Always.

#choosejoy #teamisa #everydayheroes

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Have you taken some time to "escape" today?

Have you taken some time to "escape" today?

Even with over 12 hours round trip in the car with a puking, teething toddler in less than 48 hours and a busy schedule in Rochester (on the water and being with friends), I made myself a priority first thing this morning. After leading another friend in some dynamic stretching in the driveway to prepare him for day 2 of his regatta (He finished 2nd yesterday!), I went to another one of my happy places -- running/walking with Will on the local roads. 

The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and even Will was enjoying himself, babbling up a storm in excitement over the new sights and sounds we passed before taking a catnap. The people we passed were genuinely friendly and courteous, a far cry from what we are used to in the DMV area!

In the process, I found and left more peace on the road and remembered the importance of being in the present. I am so grateful that Will loves our daily walks and runs. Like his mommy, he always seems to appreciate the chance to "escape" for a bit. Trust me -- I love people but also cherish my alone time. 

Long after he outgrows his stroller, I hope Will can continue to find that kind of balance in his life -- and hopefully stop to listen to the birds and breathe in fresh air in the process. #beinnature #taketimetoescape #cherisheverymoment

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Where is your HAPPY place?

Where is your HAPPY place? 

I've always been a fish, and the closer I am to any body of water, the better. 

Today was one of those amazingly refreshing, relaxing, and completely rejuvenating days where I got to spend 8 hours on the water for a friend's sailing regatta in Rochester. It was a chance to reconnect with college friends, recharge, and unwind in the process. I haven't been this relaxed in a LONG time. 

Today reminded me of a few things. First, while there are many circumstances outside of our direct  control, only we can decide to embrace a positive mindset and attitude when we get out of bed every morning. Only we can continue trying to better ourselves and be the best people we can be, especially in how we treat others. In the process, in the midst of all the chaotic daily responsibilities of our lives, we must prioritize making time for ourselves to regroup, recharge, and heal. We cannot give 100% of everything we have to everyone else and leave ourselves with nothing, essentially making ourselves the last priority. This is not acceptable.

Choose to be kind to yourself. Choose joy. Choose positivity. And by all means, allow your happy place to help take you where you want -- and deserve -- to be, mentally AND physically. You deserve nothing less, warrior women! #youmatter #chooseyou #tlc

Friday, August 14, 2015

What's up with Shakeology, anyway?

Disclaimer: Even though I love Shakeology and Beachbody workouts (especially Insanity and T25), I have decided not to continue as a Beachbody Coach, as it's not a good fit for my family right now. 

Many of you have asked about Shakeology and are concerned about its cost. I don't blame you; it's quite the expensive habit to keep up every month (It's $129.95 for 30 servings). If that's outside your budget, as it is mine, there are several comparable Shakeo alternatives. My favorite is the Garden of Life Raw Meal Replacement. I love it and usually alternate between it and Shakeology. Check out this well-written, balanced, and well-researched article:

Bottom line: Find what works for you. I am not here trying to sell you anything, nor am I looking to disrespect any of my Beachbody coach friends. That's silly, and we are all mature adults here. You ALL inspire me! 

Whether I drink Shakeology or Garden of Life, I've grown to love drinking my delicious chocolate protein meal replacement shakes every morning. Super easy, super convenient, and super healthy. I never thought I would like drinking a meal, this works for me, and I actually look forward to it now every morning. I'd love to hear your thoughts and what healthy fuel power you through the morning! Rock on, warrior women! 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

You. Are. Enough.

"No one can do everything, but everyone can do something." This is my mantra from today. Am I perfect? Absolutely not. Do I always have time to cook a homemade, healthy meal? Hell no. Do I sometimes feel guilty when working and not being with my son during the day? Heck yeah. I am a work in progress. I am doing the best I can. I am proud of who I am. I am blessed and grateful. I am a warrior woman. #superfitwarriorwoman #balancingact #youmatter #youareenough 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Recovering addict?

I'll admit it -- I have a bit of a thing for monthly subscription boxes. I may even be a recovering addict. Some boxes I have tried in the past 6 months: Barkbox (Love this for Dexter every month!), Birchbox (beauty supply samples -- OK, but I'm now sampled out!), Stitch Fix (LOVE but very pricey!), Le Tote (really cool but not liking $49 monthly fee), Wantable (Great fashionable fitness outfits but pricey!), Fabletics (Cool concept, but the workout outfits are too fashionable and not practical enough for me), and Stridebox (monthly running goodies and nutrition samples - love). Of all these, I am really only going to stick with Le Tote (for the next month) and Barkbox (I have no choice; they make me pay for a whole year upfront). It's been so much fun to try all these boxes, but they certainly add up. If only money weren't an issue! Dream on, Kay. Dream on! #addicts #gottatrynewthings #fitandfab

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Be present! Be grateful!

Ever have one of those days where you wanted to scream? Where every little thing seemed to piss you off?! Oh yeah. Today was one of those days for me. Big time. Days like this make you realize what's really important and what you need to be thankful for. I am blessed and filled with gratitude. A few things that made my day brighter: my boys' laughter, my toddler son's silliness, my new ridiculously comforting capris from my Wantable box, my loyal dog Dexter, and a newfound love: my Pure Barre classes (sticky socks and all!). Be present. Be grateful. Put everything in perspective. #soblessed #whatreallymatters #beyourbestself 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Time to refresh!

After a lovely week in Maine (where I consumed more carbs and ice cream then I'd like to admit!), it's time to get back on the horse. Time to take control of my diet and nutrition again. Time to try my first 3 Day Beachbody Refresh!

I gained a few pounds last week and am eager to get back into healthy habits. I am hoping this 3 day detox is exactly what I need and will help me get back on track moving forward.

I am halfway through the first day. So far, so good! I do not feel famished, I have a ton of energy, and I am definitely already eliminating a lot of unwanted toxins and waste in my body. I am a bit nervous about how I will feel over the next 2.5 days but am just trying to take it one hour and one day at a time!

I did a bit of research, and this cleanse seems like one of the healthiest -- and smartest -- ones around. Liquid fasts terrify me, and I'm already a huge fan of protein shakes and Shakeology, so I figured why not? Why do I have to lose? It's worth a shot. 

The hardest part for me will be limiting my physical activity during this refresh. If I run and walk as much as I'm used to, I easily need to consume at least 2,500 calories daily. This refresh allows for about 900. That could be a problem. We shall see.

Regardless of how these 3 days turn out, I am happy to be getting back on track with my nutrition and helping show the way for my husband and son in the process. I know they look up to me as a healthy role model, so I will challenge to be the BEST version of myself that I can be each and every day. If you are what you eat, then I guess it's worth being mindful and extra conscious of how I'm fueling my body.