Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Alphabet of Living Right!

Thankfully, today was a MUCH better day, as I hoped it would be. 🌟🌟🌟

I worked closely with several teachers today and realized that I'm not ready to leave the staff at my school yet. They truly are amazing people and so dedicated to our students' success. I feel honored to work with them every day. 💞💞💞

My birthday celebration continues. I continue to receive beautiful cards and even had a delicious Chipotle lunch -- complete with birthday cake -- today with my work lunch crew. Nom mom nom!🌯🍽🍴🍰

One of the touching cards I received continues to stick with me. It's entitled "The Alphabet of Living Right," and I love it! Here it is:

Appreciate yourself 
Bounce on the bed
Create a poem 
Declare world peace 
Explode a myth 
Flabbergast a neighbor 
Get up late 
Hell yourself to seconds 
Imagine it and do it 
Jump at the chance 
Kindle a flame 
Leave your troubles behind
Meet someone new 
Nourish your soul 
Opt for ice cream 
Play all day 
Quench your desires 
Revel at random
Sing loudly, smile widely 
Touch the sky 
Uncork the champagne 
Watch whatever you want 
X-ercise your right not to 
Yearn for the best 
Zip, zap, zing, and zone out 

Go out there and grab life by the horns, Warrior Women! 💪🏻💞🌟☀️🎉

#makeyourselfapriority #choosejoy #livefully

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