Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Horrible day!!

It's not often I say this, but today was a horrible, no good, very bad day. Ugh.

I should have known the day was getting off on the wrong foot when my contact split in my eye on the way to dropping Will off at school. Then the replacement lens bothered my eye the rest of the day. It got lost in my eye on the way home tonight, causing me to drive in the dark and heavy rain with working vision from only one eye. Damn contacts. 😡😡😡

It didn't help that the weather was horrible today, and I had the pleasure of driving across the county several times for various meetings and trainings. Thank goodness Debbie the Dodge minivan rides so well in inclement weather! 🚎🚎

I also felt exhausted and with Jeb Bush-like energy. All day.😫😫

Later this morning, I learned that my hopes of working at the new middle school in my neighborhood were dashed. I wasn't even granted an interview. Neither were two other highly qualified colleagues. It doesn't make any sense. I was angry and hurt at first but then tried to convince myself that things happen for a reason. This is a process...albeit slow...😕😔😞

I worked straight from 7:20 to 6:10 today due to an after school training. Thank God Greg picked up Will and I could bean to Barre afterwards. 💪🏻💪🏻

Then Greg and Will got stuck in a small tornado on the way home. My Yoda hubby was calm throughout, but how terrifying!! I'm just relieved they are OK. You should see all the crazy debris littering our neighborhood!!⛈⛈⛈

So, I'm eager to say goodnight and goodbye to today. I'm determined to stay positive and need to remember that tomorrow is a new day. Life may not always be sunshine or puppies, and it's the crap that can oftentimes teach us the most.

Here's to a fresh start tomorrow!

#ugh #maketodayend #staypositive 🌟☀️💗💞💪🏻

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