Tuesday, February 2, 2016

I've popped!

It appears that BBL2 has finally popped. BIG time. It took awhile, but he seems to be making up for lost time quickly. I am starving and thirsty CONSTANTLY now. I feel like a wild animal. Ahhhh, pregnancy. 🍔🌮🍣🌯🍟🌭🍕🍝🍲🍧🍰🍮🍭

An esteemed friend and colleague told me I was starting to look "huge" today.!Such a thoughtful guy. Thanks, Chris. 😜 Another told me I looked bigger this time. And then another said I looked nowhere as big as I "should" be. Clearly, I can't win, and everyone has their own opinion. And honestly? That's OK with me. I'm secure enough in my own skin and confident that BBL2 is happy, healthy, and cozy in his temporary home. It's GOT to be pretty awesome in there! 💤💤💤

I've been proud of myself for really listening to my body throughout this pregnancy. As I continued into my second trimester, the Orange Theory workouts I loved were no longer meeting my needs. I decided to freeze my membership (for the remainder of my pregnancy and until I'm able to workout again postpartum). Now, I focus solely on Pure Barre, low-impact pregnancy workout DVDs at home, long dog walks, and prenatal yoga. Running has become uncomfortable, especially now that I have to pee every 5 seconds. 🌟🌟

I know the most important thing is to take care of myself and have a healthy pregnancy, so I try to align my fitness and nutrition choices to meet those goals. At my anatomy scan, my doctor said I hadn't gained much weight but wasn't concerned, as she knew my appetite was about to increase. And oh, has it ever! 😳😳😳

Each pregnancy has taught me to slow down, take care of myself, and BREATHE. After all, you can't take care of anyone else -- especially a newborn -- if your needs are not met first and foremost. 💞💞

Aim to be good to yourselves first and often, Warrior Women and Mamas. Anything less is cheating yourself of an essential life nutrient -- solace and balance. Aim to get a healthy dose today! 😍😀😘🌟

#youmatter #priorities #dontforgetaboutYOU

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