Friday, February 19, 2016

Oh, those poops!

Calm is strength. πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻

It took me a LONG time to live by this motto, but 11 years of teaching have certainly helped. As has being married to such a calm, cool, and collected hubby. This adage has most definitely translated well to parenting too. 😜

I did not know what this was like growing up, though. Emotions were either held in until they exploded or pushed to the side in the form of passive aggressive "white lies." It took a heck of a while for me to learn of another alternative. 

Sometimes, my calm demeanor can get me into trouble. Take, for example, tonight. Will was hysterical, since he was extremely constipated. He's had this issue since being a newborn. It's gotten better with more fiber and medication, but there is usually a really bad episode every few months. Unfortunately, Will chose tonight for his worst "back up" in a long time. Instead of having my calm, level-headed Greg here, my parents immediately escalated the situation to a crisis level. They hovered, felt sorry for Will, screamed at me, and even insisted I take him to the hospital with wild eyes.

I knew better. With lots of leg "bicycling", more medication, and a warm bath, six beautiful poops eventually emerged. Poor kid. Needless to say, I haven't spoken to my parents since. I tried to clear the air downstairs, but they were already fast asleep. πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©

I just wish they would trust my mother's intuition. We've been down this road before with Will, and I'd like to think I know how to best calmly handle the situation without losing my cool -- or mind.

Maybe this all points to the fact that my parents and I are best living apart for now. They may frown upon our more relaxed, laidback, and calm parenting style, but you know what?! It works for us. I happen to think little Will is thriving too, poops and all.πŸ‘ΆπŸ»

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