Saturday, October 24, 2015

I only love Daddy!

Will is going through a "I only love Daddy" phase. I'm trying not to take this too personally. 

After all, Greg reminds me that every single pet we have owned has loved and been devoted to me, even the ferrets (OK -- let's not discuss the ferrets. If you don't know our infamous ferret story, I will tell you one day...when I can drink again). Ha!

But Will is not our pet; he is our firstborn. He resided in my womb for over 9 months and is the only human alive to know how my heartbeat sounds from the inside. Yes, I secretly want him to be a Mama's boy ... but not too much. I would even settle for him to begin preferring me again. But it's all about Daddy all the time right now, which is adorable. I can't help but feel a bit left out. I heard recently that young children are only able to focus on one adult at a time. Perhaps this means the pendulum will swing in my favor soon? I certainly hope so!

Regardless of who Will's current preferred parent is today, it's nearly impossible to see Greg and Will together and not smile. Your same-sex parent is hopefully going to be your most powerful role model in life, and Will certainly hit the jackpot there. Greg owns fatherhood and is a true natural. It's beautiful to see him exploring the world with Will in such a seemingly effortless way. He was meant to be a Dad.

Greg is convinced we are having a girl this time. I say it's another boy and remind Greg that the world would be a frightening place with a mini-Kay. No matter what the gender of our second child is, we feel beyond blessed. 

Too many deserving people and couples cannot have children who so desperately want them, and it is not fair. For those of us lucky enough to have children of our own, squeeze them a little tighter today, tell them you love them, and take ongoing mental snapshots of them at this very moment. They will grow up too fast, so take time to enjoy the moment now, even if your son or daughter is being difficult or not preferring you right now. 

Time flies, so be present and express love and gratitude. You'll be happy you did.

#familyfirst #soblessed #itsallaboutthenextgeneration 

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