Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Be a part of the solution!

I have a real obsession. It's with the Ladder of Accountability. I refer to it constantly, have memorized it, and can apply it to most situations, both at work and home.

It really comes down to this: are you part of the problem or the solution? It really can't be both. 

If we are honest with ourselves, we know where we are on the ladder in given situations and can reflect on where we need to go. 

I've now been asked several times to make shirts for staff members with the ladder on them. I love the idea. I love the idea even more of having the ladder on the back of everyone's shirts and going around placing dot stickers on each person's back on where he or she is on the ladder. Then, you have everyone line up with their "stickered" shirts facing the camera, photograph what is seen, and then everyone can look at their own shirts. Brilliant? I think so.

Bottom line: life is too short to be part of the problem. Stop making excuses, acknowledge your reality, and make sh** happen. After all, you are in control over your own destiny. Make yourself proud ... and ensure people place their stickers on the upper rungs of your ladder in the process.

#solutionoriented #proactivity #geterdone 

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